
Nan Lichen squatted quietly in front of the medicine stove. He shook the cattail leaf fan in his hand, always paying attention to the fire of the medicine stove.

At the same time, the heart in his chest was beating violently and uncontrollably...

While fanning, Nan Lichen couldn't help but take out two jade pendants from his arms.

Looking down, he saw two completely different jade pendants placed in his palm.

The shape is different, the jade quality is different, the color is different, and even the fonts engraved on it are different.

The word "Leng" on one piece of jade pendant is "Leng" and the word "South" on the other piece.

Outsiders may not know what is so special about these two jade pendants.

But only Nan Lichen knew that this was the jade pendant that his mother exchanged with the Leng family's mistress back then, with the purpose of setting a "baby marriage" between him and the then eldest lady of the Leng family.

Before the accident happened to the Leng family, he had met the eldest lady of the Leng family several times when he was young.

But later, both he and the other party were detected to have excellent talents, and the ancestors of their respective families took them with them to personally teach them the enlightenment of spiritual power...

After that, he and the eldest lady of the Leng family never saw each other again.

Because, not long after, something happened to the Leng family, and everyone in the Leng family was wiped out.

A fire broke out, leaving no bones behind.

In the tragic massacre that year, almost everyone thought that the Leng family was completely extinct and that there were no survivors.

Including the Nan family, including his parents and Nan Lichen.

However, the jade pendant in front of him broke his understanding.

Putting aside the initial difficulty in accepting it, Nan Lichen had actually determined in his heart that the demon sect witch was the eldest lady of the Leng family back then.

Because he knew very well that he had never interacted with the demon sect witch.

So what was the reason why she risked her life to save him three times and four times...?

Unless she was the eldest lady of the Leng family, his fiancée who had "passed away" long ago, then all this would make sense.

She recognized him, so she saved him again and again.

Faced with his attacks, she never fought back.


"Young man, what are you thinking about? Didn't you notice that the medicine was all burnt?"

Just as Nan Lichen's thoughts were turning, the shouts of the doctors at the medical center interrupted his thoughts and woke him up.

After coming back to his senses, a strong burning smell lingered on the tip of his nose. When he looked up, he saw that the medicine in the medicine stove was... beyond recognition.


Facing the angry look of the medical doctor, Nan Lichen said guiltily.

"Oh, forget it, you'd better go and stay in front."

"I will prepare another set of medicine and let the medicine boy keep an eye on it."

With that said, the doctor at the medical center drove him out of the backyard.

People were coming and going outside the hospital, and Nan Lichen saw many familiar faces.

In order to avoid being recognized or revealing his flaws, Nan Lichen turned back and entered the inner room again.

In the back room, on the bed, Leng Su was still lying there with his eyes closed.

Nan Lichen stared at her with a complicated expression, and the heart in his chest could not calm down...

Looking at Leng Su in front of him, he couldn't help but wonder how she had lived all these years?

What happened that year?

How did she survive the massacre?

How did she, a girl, survive in that cruel and bloody demon sect all these years?

What has she experienced and what has she sacrificed to become a saint who is inferior to one person in the Demon Sect and surpasses ten thousand people?

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