
Nan Lichen's head exploded and turned into a ball of paste.

Reason also left him...

What he didn't notice was that while he was absent-minded, a faint trace of colorful spiritual power entered Leng Su's mouth.

Fortunately, Leng Su didn't seem to wake up. After being flirtatious for a while, he slapped his mouth twice and withdrew the lilac tongue.

Although she had withdrawn the uvula that invaded him, Nan Lichen still did not react.

He was still looking at her underneath him blankly, unable to react...

[Congratulations, Nan Lichen's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 40 points. 】

Time passed bit by bit...

"Dong dong dong."

Nan Lichen's sanity was brought back by a knock on the door.

It was only then that Nan Lichen suddenly discovered that his thin lips were still close to Leng Su's lips...


Nan Lichen's face was turning red rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. He was so frightened that he quickly stood up.

One of them didn't pay attention and let go of his hand. The bowl slipped from his palm and smashed to the ground.



"Dong dong dong."

The knocks on the door kept ringing. Nan Lichen didn't bother to clean up the debris on the ground, turned around and walked towards the door of the room.

With a "squeak", the door opened, followed by an attack full of murderous intent.


The body's instinctive reaction made Nan Lichen retreat immediately, narrowly dodging the attack.

The other party didn't give him a chance to breathe, and attacked him one after another.

While fighting with the opponent, Nan Lichen looked at the masked man in front of him, trying to find some clues from the opponent.


Just when he and the masked man were fighting each other, Leng woke up on the bed. After coughing violently for a while, she opened her eyes and looked at them.

Almost at the same time, the man in front of him attacked Leng Su.

Just when Nan Li Chenfei stepped forward and tried to stop him, the sword in the man's hand suddenly turned and stabbed towards his chest.


A black demonic energy suddenly flew from his side and hit the sword in the masked man's hand.


"Click, click, click."

The demonic energy and the sword collided together. When the sword shattered, the masked man was also knocked away, hit the wall nearby, and fell to the ground hard.

No fighting is allowed in Sifang City...

The huge movement on their side quickly alerted everyone, and the guards from Sifang City arrived in time.

Just when these people were about to catch the masked man, the man suddenly disappeared out of thin air in front of them.

The expressions of everyone present changed greatly, and they stared at the place where the masked man was lying in disbelief.

How could this person disappear out of thin air?

This Sifang City was surrounded by the Sifang City City Lord who had cultivated in the Mahayana stage.

With cultivation levels below the Mahayana stage, it is impossible to fly with a sword or fly in the void in Sifang City, let alone disappearing in a way that they have never heard of.

Some people were smart, and after all, they thought that the masked man might have used some kind of invisible spiritual weapon.

The guards from Sifang City immediately surrounded the room inside and out, and sent people back to report the matter to the city lord.

Originally, if there was a fight, people would be kicked out of Sifang City directly, blacklisted by Sifang City, and banned from entering for life...

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