The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1909 The Demonic Cult’s “Saint Girl” VS the “Sultry” Senior Brother (47)

As he spoke, Leng Su's index finger gently touched the left protector's face, which gradually turned into ice...

"Tell me, how come such a beautiful face is paired with a sinister person?"

Wherever Leng Su's fingers passed, a thick layer of ice formed on the Zuo Guardian's skin.

Until the end, it was clear that her fingers had left his body, but the ice on his body did not disappear. Instead, it became more and more...

In the end, his whole body was covered in ice.

But the strange thing is that his consciousness is very clear, and he can clearly feel that his heart is still beating steadily...

Under the horrified gaze of the mission leader, Leng Su pinched the ball of light in his palm and looked at the attacker with a blank expression.

"Obviously the task assigned to you by the system is just to break up Nan Lichen and me."

"But why do you have to kill us?"

As he spoke, Leng Su squeezed the ball of light in his palm again, and then a look of understanding appeared on his face.

"It turns out that you like to complete tasks simply and crudely..."

After saying that, Leng Su nodded in agreement.

"That's right, compared to any misunderstandings or third parties intervening in those dismantling tricks, directly killing Nan Lichen and I, the male and female protagonists, is indeed the fastest, simplest, crudest, and easiest way to complete the task."


Speaking of this, Leng Su suddenly paused.

Under the desperate gaze of the tasker, she slowly, slowly, bit by bit crushed the light ball in her palm...


"don't want!"

"Guardian Zuo" screamed crazily. He watched helplessly as his system was crushed by Leng Su, and he watched helplessly as he was completely left in this world.

"Why do you look like this?" Leng Su said.

"It's not that you don't like doing tasks, or that it's troublesome. I'm here to help you..."

"Without that system, you won't have to do tasks anymore, and you won't have to continue to be in trouble."

As he said that, the corners of Leng Su's mouth cracked a lot.

The faint smile on her face gradually turned into a bright and cheerful smile.

"I believe that for someone like you who is afraid of trouble, sleeping forever must be a very happy thing."

"Guardian Zuo" really wanted to speak, but his whole body had long been frozen by the ice. Let alone speak, it was difficult to even move.

At this moment, Leng Su stretched out her hand toward the sky, and the black vortex in the sky gradually became smaller and returned to the palm of her hand.

In the horrified and regretful sight of "Guardian Zuo", he and his body were sucked into the black vortex in Leng Su's palm, and he was completely and completely swallowed up...

A few steps away, an unreliable ancestor who had just arrived here not long ago but accidentally caught the whole scene in his eyes was looking at Leng Su with a horrified look on his face.

"you you you……"

"Beauty, I have no ill intentions towards you, and I have no ill intentions towards Nan Lichen."

After noticing Leng Su's cold gaze, a certain ancestor crossed his arms and wailed in despair.

Leng Su just glanced at him lightly and ignored him.

Turn around and fly towards Nan Lichen's location...

As soon as Leng Su left, a certain unreliable ancestor sat down on the ground.

While patting his chest and breathing heavily, he started communicating with his system in confusion...

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