The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1930 The “dream-chasing” rich lady VS the three “tempting” brothers (20)

For Mo Yi, it was not only the ordering of dishes that was tormenting him, but also the entire dining process...

Here, before Mo Han had finished eating, Leng Su kept adding dishes to his bowl with the serving chopsticks.

Here, his bowl was empty, but Leng Su seemed not to notice...

"Brother, although you don't have to drive, you should still drink less."

"Drinking too much alcohol can easily lead to a beer belly. Although I also like brothers with beer bellies, I still prefer brothers with abdominal muscles, because such brothers are healthier."

Mo Yi: "..." Can you consider his feelings?

"Brother, try this boiled egg you like, it's so tender and fragrant."

"Brother, try this steamed fish, it's very tasty and delicious."

Mo Yi: "..." Didn't you see that his bowl and chopsticks were still clean? ? ?


Under Leng Su's endless bombardment of brothers, Mo Han finally couldn't stand it anymore and frowned at her.

"Don't talk while eating and don't talk while sleeping."

"Okay, then big brother, eat quickly, the food will be cold soon."

With Leng Su's silence, the atmosphere in the box finally returned to normal.

Mo Han simply ate a few bites and put down his chopsticks, looking at Mo Yi.

"Since you are interested in the entertainment industry, why not take over the family company directly."

"Although the focus of the Mo family's industrial chain is no longer in the entertainment industry, there are still several film and television companies under the Mo family. As long as you are willing, you can go there to take up the position."

As soon as Mo Han said this, Mo Yi's face changed immediately.

Obviously, he had guessed why Mo Han was looking for him...

When he thought of the things he did secretly, Mo Yi was so angry.

If Mo Che hadn't interfered, he wouldn't have been discovered by Mo Han.

"Brother, I'm sorry. I didn't do a good job this time. I didn't inform you in advance."

"But I still want to try it myself first."

"After all, I just returned to China and don't know much about the domestic market. If I parachute directly into the company, it will inevitably cause gossip, and the people below will not be at peace."

"I want to make some achievements first. When I make Su Su a queen of the generation, I will return to the company. I believe everyone will have nothing to say."

Mo Yi's words were very high-sounding, but Mo Han did not believe his words.

His calm gaze paused on Mo Yi's face for a few seconds, and then came to Leng Su.

Mo Yi said that he would not return to the company until she was made a queen of the generation...

Combined with the last welcoming banquet and Mo Yi's various reactions that day, Mo Han's eyes could not help but darken.

"Since you don't want to be criticized, you should know that there are some things you can't do!"

"Otherwise, even if you make her a queen of the generation, the people in the company will still not believe you!"

Hearing this, Mo Yi quickly replied: "Brother is teaching me that I will pay attention to the degree in the future and will not do those things that are out of proportion."


Mo Yi is a man who knows how to do things, can take it or leave it, and can bend and stretch. He is indeed a rare talent.

Looking at Mo Yi in front of him, Mo Han's mind can't help but be dazed...

The second brother has been abroad for many years and now he has returned. Although he still gives people the impression of being a gentle and modest gentleman like he was back then.

But for some reason, he always feels that he seems to have changed in front of him, as if there is something different...

Facing Mo Han's gaze, Mo Yi is very calm and does not react too much.

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