Soon, the song ended.

But the strange thing is that the accompaniment has ended, but Leng Su has not stopped singing.

She actually held the microphone and kept singing acapella without music.

Mo Yi sat in the audience and looked at Leng Su on the stage uneasily.

Facing Leng Su's burning eyes when he looked over, he could only twitch the corners of his mouth and reveal a gentle smile.

Under everyone's doubtful gazes, Leng Su sang a cappella for a full minute before putting down the microphone in his hand.

At the same time, the other hand she was holding loosened.

A lozenge slipped from her palm and fell to the ground.

Mo Yi stared at Leng Su the whole time. When he saw this scene, he obviously took a breath, his eyes flickered, and his face looked a little wrong...

It has to be said that Mo Yi's "cultivation" is obviously much better than Mo Che's.

No, for him, losing his temper only happened in that moment.

The next second, Mo Yi calmed down his emotions and looked at Leng Su tenderly.

Leng Su: "..." Wait, I'll deal with you tonight! ! !

Throughout the whole day, Mo Yi and Mo Che had been staying by her side to show their affection.

But compared to Mo Che's exaggeration, Mo Yi's kindness to her was obviously more to her liking, and it was basically what she needed.

On the other hand, Mo Che's emotional intelligence really made Leng Su worry about him.

She couldn't help but be curious, given Mo Che's emotional intelligence and IQ, why on earth was he sent on this mission...

Can he really get the job done?

[This Mo Che’s physique is rather special. 】

Just as Leng Su was suspicious, a long-lost voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Hey, old man, are you finally back?"

"If you don't come back, I'll think you just died in some beauty's nest while you were drunk."

Ming Yuan: [...]

[After all, you are a female ghost with a man. Don’t you think you can be gentler? 】 Ming Yuan said disgustedly.

"If my aunt wants to be gentle, then she is being gentle to my own man, you? Haha... forget it."

"Mingyuan, there are still a lot of disputes between the two of us. It's already good that I didn't fight you to death as soon as we met. You still want me to be gentle to you, aunt, which is impossible in your dreams!"

Ming Yuan: [...]

Seeing that Ming Yuan stopped talking again, Leng Su quickly asked in order to prevent him from disappearing again.

"What do you mean by special physique?"

[Mary Su physique, Mo Che's soul is a person blessed with great luck and great merits. He himself will be much luckier than ordinary people. 】

[Like Mo Yi, he needs to do everything possible to calculate, design step by step, and go through a lot of hardships to complete the task. 】

[But Mo Che doesn’t need to, because he has a very special constitution and he is very lucky, so even if he doesn’t have to plan or calculate, many things will happen according to what he wants in his heart...]

[You still remember the plot you received, although Mo Yi does not appear in the plot. But Mo Che still used his low EQ and low IQ to successfully break up the male and female protagonists...]

Leng Su: "..."

After listening to Ming Yuan's explanation, Leng Su felt the deep malice coming from this world.

She thought for a while and couldn't help but ask: "Ming Yuan, please help me take a look. Does my soul also have the great merit of great luck?"

Before Ming Yuan could answer her question, Leng Su couldn't help but answer it by himself...

PS: Thank you [Spring Sufferer] [Youth of the Times] [Xuanya Tea] [Li Luoqing] [Lanting] [Ten Miles of Spring Breeze is not as good as Zi Qi] [The original intention is not lost] [Bun] [Si Li] [Lan Xuemu] 】【Meijiaoniang】【I'm five and a half years old】【Bell】【眜 ink】【Xingxing lights up】【Musi】【Dan Yicai】【Little Sun】【A grain of sand】【I'm so happy to death】【 Yuling·Evil·Qianyueye][Li Manman][Wang Jule][Purple Blue Loneliness][Backhand is Mrs. Xu][Bei Zhi][Sunshine Angel][Qianqian Xiyue] and many other little fairies' fights Thank you for your support, thank you for your support.

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