The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1946 The “dream-chasing” rich lady VS the three “tempting” brothers (36)

However, after a moment of confusion, she put the matter behind her.

She’s not in the entertainment industry anyway…

Her mission is only to expel outsiders and conquer Mohan.

There is no need to help the original owner fulfill his dream.

Moreover, as long as she successfully captures Mo Han, with Mo Han here, it won't be too difficult for her to hold concerts and other events around the world...

While Leng Su was lost in thought, the host on the stage had already called her name.

After smiling at Mo Yi, she lifted up her skirt and walked towards the stage in front of her step by step.

"If you love me, please love me deeply; if you don't love me, please let me go..."

When Leng Su opened his mouth, the instructors below the stage immediately frowned, with strange looks on their faces.

The fans below are okay, some can recognize them, but of course there are also most who can't.

Soon, a song ended. When the instructor and the fans at the scene voted, Leng Su’s number of votes exceeded everyone’s expectations...

The legendary dark horse has fallen!

Two of the three mentors did not vote for Leng Su.

Many of the audience at the scene did not vote for Leng Su.

When Leng Su picked up the phone and asked Leng Su if he felt unwell or if his throat was injured, Leng Su shook his head.

"Thank you for your concern, but I am fine, my voice is fine, my body is fine, and there is nothing wrong with me."

"As for my voice, if you like it, you can vote for me."

"If you don't think it sounds good or don't like it, you don't have to worry about anything."

The instructors at the scene obviously wanted to say something more, but seeing Leng Su's firm face, as if he was unwilling to say anything even to death, these people shut up and fell silent again.

Soon, Leng Su stepped down.

As time passed bit by bit, an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the finals were over.

The legendary dark horse Lengsu missed the top three...

The results of the competition came out, and the first place was the veteran female singer.

The second and third place were two other players respectively.

Dark horse Leng Su only finished fifth...

The competition was over, and the top three went on stage to receive their awards. Leng Su took off his makeup and changed into his gorgeous clothes backstage, and followed Mo Yi to the "Celebration Banquet" restaurant.

In the car, looking at Leng Su who was so calm beside him, Mo Yi couldn't help but ask, "Don't you regret it?"

"No regrets." Leng Su said without hesitation.

Hearing this, Mo Yi couldn't help but look at her deeply, trying to look into the depths of her eyes, wondering if she was lying...

However, with just one glance, he knew that Leng Su was really not lying.

In fact, there was no need for her to lie.

Although he chose to give the candy to her before she went on stage to compete, she didn't necessarily have to eat it at that time.

It is safe for her to wait until the game is over before eating, or she can stop eating all the time.

But, she didn't...

In other words, from that moment on, he should have known that she actually didn't care about the final result.

"Isn't your dream to hold concerts all over the world?" Mo Yi looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, my (original owner's) dream is to go to the world to hold concerts, but that doesn't mean I have to resort to any means to do so, right?"

"I just want to fulfill my dream and sing my true song all over the world so that everyone can hear it, that's all..."


PS: [Request for votes every day. Don’t miss it if you pass by. Remember to vote for this book with your precious votes. 】

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