The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1952 The “dream-chasing” rich lady VS the three “tempting” brothers (43)

Almost as soon as Mo Han hung up the phone, Leng Su noticed something was in her mind...

Have the outsiders from this plane left? ? ?

Those two Raiders just left like that?

What about the two brothers Mo Yi and Mo Che? Nothing will happen, right?

Thinking of this, Leng Su dug out his cell phone from his body and dialed Mo Che's number.

After the phone rang, the call was quickly connected, and a familiar male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Sister Su Su? I'm Mo Yi. Ah Che didn't know what happened. He suddenly fainted and is now undergoing first aid. Do you have anything to do with him..."?

Before Mo Yi finished speaking, Leng Su's cell phone was snatched away by Mo Han.

The call was hung up, and Mo Han stared at her with a stern face and asked, "Do you like the third child very much?"

"Brother, please give me your phone back. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it later."

"The second brother just said that the third brother suddenly fainted and is currently rescuing him."

Hearing this, Mo Han's expression did not change at all.

"Are you worried about the third child?" Mo Han asked deeply.

Leng Su: "..." Of course I'm worried! ! !

If such a handsome little brother had to wear his hair in such a way, she would be sad.

"Brother, third brother is your biological brother, aren't you worried?" Leng Su asked.

"Can't die."

He had sent someone to keep an eye on those two people with malicious intentions. If something really happened, they would have informed him long ago.

Leng Su: "..." OK, you win.

"Let me ask you one last time, are you responsible for me?" Mo Han said stubbornly.

"The relationship between me and eldest brother is completely innocent. Nothing happened at all. Why should I be responsible for eldest brother?" Leng Su said angrily.

Hearing this, Mo Hanjun's face sank, his eyes narrowed, and without saying a word, he stepped forward and picked up Leng Su, heading towards the room next to him.

"Brother, what are you doing? Put me down!"

"Satisfy you!" Mo Han said gloomily.

Leng Su: "..." Damn it, where is your reserve, male lead?

Isn't this kind of overlord's aggressive behavior the style you should have as a ruthless CEO?

In the room, Leng Su was still on the big bed that she had just left.

In his angry mood, Mo Han rushed forward and kissed Leng Su's mouth.

The two lips touched each other, and a soft and gentle touch came, and the heart in Mo Han's chest jumped uncontrollably...

[Congratulations, Mo Han's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 70 points. 】

This is the first time Mo Han has been so close to a woman, and it is also the first time he has kissed a woman...

As a genius, all his abilities are not innate.

He has been learning various talents since he was a child, and he is constantly learning every day.

While other children are playing carefree, he needs to attend various tutoring classes and extracurricular interest classes.

Later, as he got older, his father began to teach him how to behave in the world and how to see the differences between people.

Take him to various banquets and dinners, and let him see the tone of voice and facial expressions of the bosses.

After returning home, he needs to make a detailed analysis of the people he met that day and give it to his dad.

Then his dad would comment on them one by one and show him these people again.

Teach him not to judge people by their appearance, not to rely on their own ideas, and not to determine what kind of person that person is based on the falsehood they show.

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