The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1970 Fantasy: The proud daughter of heaven VS the downtrodden prince (7)

Just as everyone was talking about it, suddenly an extremely excited voice sounded from the crowd.

"I'm coming!"

"Miss Leng is here!"

Hearing this, everyone turned and looked behind them.

Sure enough, I saw a familiar figure leaping quickly towards their arena...

Seeing Leng Su's entire body floating in mid-air, all the disciples present showed envy on their faces.

Fighting Emperor!

The eighteen-year-old Dou Huang!

This is definitely the first person in Shenwu Continent in thousands of years!

Different from the envy and adoration of these young disciples, the most shocking thing was the teachers and dean of the college.

They know far more than these students know, so they know exactly what Lengsu represents.

The prophecy left by the previous generation of God of War has finally come true!

The Shenwu Continent is saved! ! !

At the last quarter of an hour when the game was about to end, Leng Su successfully broke through the God of War and rushed to the game site.

On the ring, Bai Qiu looked at Leng Su standing in front of him with disbelief.

"Su, Susu, why?"

Bai Qiu never expected that after ten stages, Leng Su would actually be on his stage. She would challenge him? ? ?

"Cousin, I'm sorry." Leng Su said apologetically with his hands clasped in his fists.

After saying that, she stopped talking nonsense and directly drew her sword and rushed towards Bai Qiu on the opposite side.

"Zheng Zheng Zheng."

The sharp swords wrapped in fighting spirit continued to collide with each other.

The match between Leng Su and Bai Qiu was almost without any suspense. In just three moves, Bai Qiu was knocked off the ring by Leng Su in full view of everyone.

Below the ring, Bai Qiu fell to the ground, covering his chest with one hand and coughing continuously. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, which made people feel extremely desolate and desperate.

He looked at Leng Su with a look of hurt on his face.

However, Leng Su just glanced at him and then turned to look at the referee on the side.

Bai Qiu: "..."

"I announce that the competition is over. The ten winners are Leng Su, Su Feng, Jiang Nan, Feng Xing..."

The results of the competition came out. Seeing Leng Su's indifferent expression, Bai Qiu clenched his hand hard, and his nails dug deeply into the soft flesh of his palm.


I won't just give in!

I will definitely participate in this experience competition in the World of Warcraft Forest!

After the game, the ten winners were invited to the dean's office.

After the dean told them some things to pay attention to, he told them to gather at the gate of the college tomorrow morning and head to the Warcraft Forest together.

After telling them what items to bring, everyone dispersed.

Of course, Leng Su, the new fighting emperor, was left behind.

After everyone left, the dean took out a lot of elixirs and various magical weapons and handed them to Leng Su.

"Susu, you must be careful with your group in the World of Warcraft Forest."

"Your activity area is only in the outer and inner areas of the Warcraft Forest. Do not go deep into the central area. Do you understand?"

"Disciple, please follow your master's teachings."

Hearing this, the dean became more pleasing to the eye and more satisfied with Leng Su.

Seeing that Leng Su was about to leave, he quickly stopped the person, took out a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures and handed them to her, and warned her again and again.

Leng Su: "..." The genius was helpless that day.

Seeing the dean explain again and again, seemingly endlessly, Leng Su finally couldn't help but stand up.

"Master, I have just advanced and my cultivation is still a little unstable. I still need to go back and strengthen it."

PS: [There is more, wait a moment]

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