The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1975 Fantasy: The proud daughter of heaven VS the downtrodden prince (12)

The ninth-level fighting saint of the Four Kingdoms is already the ancestor of the country.

The ninth-level fighting saints in each of the four countries are the guarantee and hope of their respective countries.

Under normal circumstances, ninth-level fighting saints only need to sit in the palace and protect their country from foreign enemies.

Inviting ninth-level fighting saints from other countries to come, and inviting four of them at once, one can imagine the hidden dangers and crises involved...

What if these four ninth-level fighting saints unite and someone unexpectedly wipes out their entire Shenwu Kingdom?

"Your Majesty, those disciples in the Warcraft Forest are the most elite disciples of our generation in the Shenwu Kingdom!" Dean Liu said in disbelief.

Hearing this, the emperor looked disapproving and said: "What are you afraid of? It's not just our country's elite disciples who have been injured."

As soon as the emperor said these words, Dean Liu's heart suddenly "thumped".

Looking at the emperor's indifferent and cold face, Dean Liu felt very uncomfortable.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but the emperor no longer gave him this chance.

"Okay, I still have some memorials to review, so I won't accompany you."

With that said, the emperor stood up and walked outside.

When Dean Liu saw this, he once again said unwillingly: "Your Majesty, the Seventh Prince and Miss Leng Su are both in the World of Warcraft Forest!"

As soon as Dean Liu said these words, the emperor finally stopped.

"Leng Su? Miss Leng?"

"The apple of Prince Xiaoyao's cold eye?"

"Yes!" Dean Liu replied.

Hearing this, the emperor's eyes flashed and he said, "I will let someone tell King Xiaoyao about this."

After saying that, the emperor left.

From the beginning to the end, he never cared about the seventh prince's fate...

Even Leng Su, he used her to plot against Xiaoyao King Leng Lie, preparing to use this to suppress the forces in Xiaoyao City.

Xiaoyao King Lenglie is the sixth Fighting Saint on the Shenwu Continent.

He was originally from the Shenwu Kingdom, but he left the Shenwu Kingdom because of some friction with his family and with the royal family of the Shenwu Kingdom in his early years.

Leng Lie proclaimed himself the King of Xiaoyao and established a Xiaoyao City on his own, which was not under the jurisdiction of any of the five countries.

As Leng Lie's only precious daughter, Leng Su was originally taught by Leng Lie himself.

Unexpectedly, God plays tricks on people, and Leng Lie is about to break through at this stall.

In desperation, he could only entrust his only beloved daughter to Dean Liu, his former best friend, to personally teach her.

It is reported that Leng Lie just broke through the fifth level of Dou Sheng two days ago...

Looking at the emperor's leaving figure and thinking about Leng Su and others who were still trapped in the World of Warcraft Forest, Dean Liu became extremely irritable.

Especially when he thought of Leng Su, he couldn't help but think of the prophecy left by the previous God of War.


"Your Majesty cannot be allowed to go on his own way!"

"We must find a way to save everyone!"

"Especially that girl, anything can happen to anyone, but not her!"

Thinking of this, Dean Liu stopped staying any longer, turned around and walked towards a certain place in the deep palace...

Unexpectedly, he had just walked halfway when he was blocked by the imperial guards sent by the emperor at the corner.

"Dean Liu, Your Majesty told me that he was afraid that you would not know the way because you were old, so he asked his subordinates to personally take you back to Dou Qi Academy!"

Dean Liu: "..."

"Your Majesty, he..."

"Dean Liu, please come this way..."


PS: [Daily request for votes]

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