The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1988 Fantasy: The proud daughter of heaven VS the downtrodden prince (25)

"You haven't gone back to rest yet so late?" Su Feng asked.

"Yes, I just came back from the dean's place."

"Here, this is what Dean Liu asked me to pass on to you."

As he said that, Leng Su handed over a special silver medal.

"This is the silver medal to open the Dou Qi Tower."

Su Feng took the silver medal, and after seeing the number on it clearly, he was obviously stunned.


The tenth floor of the Dou Qi Tower?

He can actually go to the tenth floor?

The rules of the competition clearly state that the person who kills the most monsters alone goes to the tenth floor, the second place goes to the ninth floor, and the third place goes to the eighth floor...

Today, he and Leng Su became the final winners of this game by taking advantage of opportunities.

But Leng Su took out far more monster corpses than him, why was his tenth floor?

Thinking of this, Su Feng couldn't help but look up at Leng Su.

However, this time, what caught his eye for the first time was no longer Leng Su's face, but a silver medal with the same material and the same touch as the one in his hand.

I saw that there was also a "ten" on the silver medal.

"This...?" Su Feng looked at Leng Su in confusion.

Leng Su smiled at him and said, "The dean said that because we performed well this time and remained calm in the face of danger, we won a good result for the college."

"So, he decided to let the two of us enter the tenth floor of the Dou Qi Tower to practice together."

After learning the truth, Su Feng was naturally happy.

As a student of the Dou Qi Academy, he knew very well what the Dou Qi Tower represented.

As students of the Dou Qi Academy, they only had one chance to enter the first floor of the Dou Qi Tower to practice every year.

And the Dou Qi on the first floor alone was so rich that they were reluctant to leave.

If he could go to the tenth floor, his cultivation would definitely be much better.

Thinking of this, Su Feng looked up at Leng Su and said, "Thank you."

Yes, thank you.

He knew very well that in this trial, he actually didn't help Leng Su at all.

It can even be said that for Leng Su, he, Su Feng, was just a drag.

Leng Su, on the other hand, saved him from danger again and again when the fire phoenix attacked him.

Even when she picked up the bargain later, she didn't forget to take him with her, and gave him such a precious space ring...

"We have experienced life and death together, so we are friends. Between friends, don't be so polite to me."

"Besides, this is the good intention of the dean, and it has nothing to do with me."


This "Yeah" was just a response to Leng Su, agreeing with her that they were friends.

As for the thanks, Su Feng still remembered it in his heart.

He knew very well that the reason he got this opportunity was because of Leng Su.

Without her taking him to pick up the bargain, how could he get this opportunity.

"Okay, it's getting late, you have a good rest, and I'll go back first."

"... I'll take you."

Seeing Leng Su was about to leave, Su Feng said this sentence for some reason.

As he said this, Su Feng clearly saw the surprise and slight surprise on Leng Su's face.


She didn't refuse, but took a look at him and accepted it happily.

At that moment, Su Feng found that his heartbeat in his chest seemed to speed up a lot...

Looking at her curved eyebrows and slightly raised mouth corners, he seemed to be infected by her, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a very faint arc...

[Congratulations, Su Feng's favorability value increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 45 points. 】

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