The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2000 Fantasy: The proud daughter of heaven VS the downtrodden prince (37)

Back then, he had a narrow escape from death when he experienced this thunder tribulation...

But his daughter really looked a little too relaxed, didn't she?

However, if he was not mistaken, the sword in his daughter's hand seemed to have another secret?

It actually directly absorbed the current generated by the thunder tribulation and prevented the current from invading his daughter's body.

"Boom boom boom!"

Seeing that four, five, six, and three thunder tribulations had already fallen, the black clouds in the sky had not yet dispersed.

The sound of lightning and thunder continued to sound, and the black clouds continued to roll and roar.

"This thunder tribulation...???" Leng Lie said with a look of doubt.

He and Dean Liu and others walked fast and were not covered by the thundercloud, so they did not find the mutation of the thunder tribulation.

But the tower guard elder, because he came out a step late, felt the death pressure when he was covered by the thundercloud, so he was the only one among these people who knew about the mutation of the thunder tribulation.

"We all left a step late..." said the tower guard elder. Hearing this, Leng Leng's face suddenly changed. He stepped forward and grabbed the collar of the tower guard elder, staring at him fiercely.

"What did you say?"

"Say what you just said to me again!"

"What do you mean?"

Facing such a terrifying Leng Leng, the tower guard elder was inevitably frightened.

Fortunately, he was an old man after all, and he was used to the world, so he reacted quickly.

"The thunder tribulation has changed!"

These five simple words made Leng Leng look ashen.

He unconsciously loosened the collar of the tower guard elder, looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky with an unbelievable look.

He clenched his fists, and his forehead was bulging with blue veins. He stared at the thunderclouds in the sky, as well as Leng Su and Su Feng not far away.

No wonder...

No wonder the thunderclouds have never dissipated.

No wonder the pressure of this thunder tribulation is so overwhelming.

No, no, nothing can happen to his daughter!

As soon as this thought came to Leng Leng's mind, he was suddenly hugged by someone as soon as he moved his body.

Turning his head, he saw Dean Liu holding him tightly.

"Let go!" Leng Leng gritted his teeth.

"Leng Leng, are you crazy?"

"Do you think you can save them if you go there now?"

"Don't forget, under the thunder tribulation, the pressure of the thunder tribulation will become stronger with each additional person."

"Not only can you not help them solve anything if you go there now, but you will only drag them down more."

Hearing this, the anger on Leng Leng's face faded, and a sense of sadness climbed up.

The veins on his hand holding the hilt of the sword bulged, and he stared at Leng Su's figure standing in the air not far away.


"Leng Leng, calm down, listen to me first."

"It's not time to be anxious, and worrying won't solve the problem."

As Dean Liu persuaded, Leng Leng still stared at Leng Su in front of him, but he didn't insist on flying forward.

Seeing this, Dean Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Leng Leng, look, Su Su is obviously doing well now."

"She will be fine in a short time."

"And the sword in her hand is not simple. The sword that can easily split the thunder tribulation must not be an ordinary thing..."

"What we should do now is to find a way to help this girl resist a few thunder tribulations without entering the range of the thunder tribulation."

PS: [There is one more chapter, wait]

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