The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2004 Fantasy: Heaven’s Proud Daughter VS Downtrodden Prince (End)

"Although none of us have ever seen the real Thunder Tribulation of God of War, isn't the movement in front of us very different from what is recorded in the history books?"

"Is it because Su Feng is also in the Dou Qi Tower?"

Outside the Dou Qi Tower, everyone was speculating a lot.

Only cold, he looked at the black clouds in the sky with a confused expression.

He closed his eyes and felt it carefully, then opened his eyes and looked solemnly at the Dou Qi Tower not far away.

"It's not the God of War Thunder Tribulation..."

"No, that's not right. It should be said that it's not just Fighting God Thunder Tribulation."

"If I guess correctly, this should be the Fighting God Thunder Tribulation and the Fighting Saint Thunder Tribulation."

As soon as Leng Lie said these words, everyone present was stunned.

"Dou Shen Thunder Tribulation plus Dou Sheng Thunder Tribulation?"

"But how can one person have two kinds of thunder disasters?"

"Wait a minute, King Xiaoyao, you mean that Su Feng has also advanced to the level of Fighting Saint?"

"The thunder tribulations of these two people are superimposed together???"

As soon as everyone said this, they all looked at each other.

A year ago, Leng Su's thunder catastrophe when he advanced to Fighting Saint had left a very deep impression on everyone in the Shenwu Continent.

In the past, just one Dou Sheng Thunder Tribulation was so terrifying.

Now, what will be the result of this combination of fighting gods and fighting saints?

At this moment, Leng Lie was more worried than anyone else. He squeezed the hand on his side tightly, wishing he could rush over now...

But he knew better than anyone else how terrible this thunder disaster was.

If he interferes again, not only will he not solve his daughter's problem, but he will only make it worse.



"Boom boom boom!"

The thunderstorm that day resounded throughout the whole day and night...

Everyone on the entire Shenwu Continent looked up to the east.

Look at the thousands of miles of dark clouds, the lightning and thunder, and the raging thunderclouds.

Fighting God...

Is the God of War who only exists in legend really going to appear?

Can the other party really successfully overcome such a terrible thunder tribulation?

In mid-air, Su Feng and Leng Su cooperated very well.

The thunder tribulation in the early stage is weak and not so crazy, so the person who resists the thunder tribulation is Su Feng.

In the mid-term, they used some magic weapons to resist, which could be regarded as buying more time for the two of them and preserving more strength.

In the later stage, Su Feng could no longer hold on, and Leng Su flew forward.

She waved the black sword in her hand and stood without fear under the intimidating thundercloud.


When the crazy thunder and lightning pierced the sky and came with a breath of death, Leng Su greeted it with her smaller figure.



Everyone witnessed the thunder and lightning being split by her.

Thunder and lightning continued to fall one after another...

One after another lightning bolts were split open by her...

Thunder tribulation is terrible, and she is even more terrible.

After a day and a night, the thunderclouds that shrouded the entire Shenwu Continent finally dispersed.

The sky returned to its original cloudless state, and the slender figure in the mid-air left an indelible mark on everyone's whereabouts.

After the thunderstorm, a golden door suddenly appeared in the sky.

Leng Su and Su Feng held each other's hands. They did not fly down or say goodbye to them. They only left a gentle smile.

Looking at the backs of the two people flying away, the cold eyes turned red unconsciously...


"Dad can't bear to leave you..."

Looking at Lenglie beside him who was crying like a big child, Dean Liu sighed helplessly.

Regardless of his past grudges, he stepped forward and patted someone's shoulder a few times to express comfort.

"Don't worry, they will come back safely."

PS: [The next chapter is a new dimension, from the entertainment industry, hehe, do you like it? 】

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