The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2009 The “Almighty” Goddess VS the “Foodie” God (5)

After discovering and confirming Bo Yan's foodie attributes, Leng Su finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, she no longer has to think of ways to find topics, she just needs to focus on food.

"Well, the chefs here are very good at their craftsmanship, but the ingredients are not so pure and natural. As a result, the food in your mouth lacks a characteristic of the food itself..."

"For example, this meat custard would taste far better if it were made from local eggs raised by farmers in the countryside."

"The aroma of eggs and the moment the minced meat is poured on it, there is a sizzling sound, and the fragrance of eggs and meat begins to collide..."

"If you take a deep breath, you will find that your Adam's apple is constantly rolling, your mouth is constantly secreting saliva, and a thick desire occupies your entire brain..."

Following Leng Su's description, her movements, and facial expressions, Bo Yan reacted unconsciously...

His Adam's apple began to roll, and he kept smacking his mouth. His face and eyes were filled with the desire to "eat".

He stared at Leng Su intently and asked, "Have you eaten it?"

"Of course." Leng Su said.

"Then where can I get the authentic minced meat custard you mentioned?" Bo Yan asked while smacking his lips.

"I made it myself." Leng Su said.

"You know how to cook?" Bo Yan asked with surprise.

"Of course, our ancestor of the Leng family was the royal chef of the last dynasty."

"My cooking skills are exactly what my grandfather inherited!" Leng Su said with pride.

As soon as Leng Su said this, all the crew members present and all the viewers in front of the TV clearly noticed Bo Yan's eyes that suddenly brightened.

I noticed the change in his expression, attitude, and facial expression when he looked at Leng Su.

"I don't know if I have the honor to taste your craftsmanship." Bo Yan said shamelessly.

"Okay, if you don't mind it, our next date will be at my house, and I will do it for you myself."

[Congratulations, Bo Yan's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 25 points. 】

Leng Su: "..." The initial favorability value is 20 points. It seems that someone has not lied before.

After all, if he really didn't pay any attention to her, his initial favorability score would definitely not be 20 points.

After all, after their short time together, she had figured out the male protagonist's tricks.

As a foodie, when there is something to eat, he will only focus on delicious food.

As long as there is delicious food, those so-called gentlemen and so-called beauties are nothing to him.


Absolutely pampered harem?

Feng Yue?

If the memory of the original owner is correct, it seems that the drama "The Favored Harem" is not just about the promotion of concubines in the harem, right? ? ?

The heroine Feng Yue seems to be a stunning little cook, right?

That drama seems to be a combination of a palace battle drama and a food drama, right? ? ?


Thinking of this, looking at Bo Yan, who lowered his head again and focused on eating, the corners of Leng Su's mouth twitched.

The reason why the initial favorability value of this guy is so high is because she has played the role of a little cook with top cooking skills, right...

While Leng Su was speechless, Bo Yan had already cleared all the edible food on the table.

Except for a little bit of food left in the lingsu bowl, all the plates and bowls on the table were horribly clean! ! !

After someone finished eating, his handsome face finally showed a look of satisfaction...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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