The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2018 The “Almighty” Goddess VS the “Foodie” God (16)

Zhou Rou, who was hailed as the gentle goddess by everyone, actually attacked the gods and goddesses around her in various ways in order to grab food...

"Hey, hey, Li Kai, you are a gentleman, do you understand that ladies come first?"

"Hey, Xiaojie, didn't you say you wanted to lose weight last night? You'd better eat less."

"Hey, hey, Haonan, you are my 'boyfriend', are you going to steal my food from me?"

A group of fans: "..." Goddess, have you fed your gentleness to the dogs?

"Sister Rou, look at me. I'm 1.7 meters tall and only weigh 90 pounds. I'm seriously underweight!"

"My mother came to see me a few days ago. She kept holding me and crying, saying that I was too thin and asked me to eat more."

"Sister Rou, even if I don't do it for myself, I still have to defend my mother, so that she can rest assured about me and stop being worried because of me." A certain long-legged goddess said shamelessly.

"Sister Rou, sister Rou, me too. I've been exercising every day recently, so it's okay to eat more."

"Xiao Rou, if I eat more, I will have the strength to take better care of you." Zhou Rou's blind date boyfriend said.

Seeing that all kinds of gentlemen, all kinds of gentleness, all kinds of humble and courteous gods and goddesses actually broke down at this moment, the fans in front of the TV couldn't accept it in their hearts.

[Although the dishes cooked by Goddess Lengsu are really beautiful, it doesn’t make everyone go crazy trying to grab some food, right? 】

[But if you say it’s fake, I don’t think so. Look at the gods and goddesses really eating food crazily into their mouths. They really never stopped! 】

[Am I the only one who feels that this program team has been led astray by the male idol Bo Yan? 】

[Yes, what about the promised love and blind date? Why did I only see a bunch of foodies from beginning to end? 】

[Isn’t this a food show disguised as a dating show? 】

[What about basic trust between people? 】

While everyone was eating, they were full of praise for Leng Su's cooking skills.

The milky white fish soup was still simmering in the pot, and bubbles kept popping up one after another. A delicious and tempting fish fragrance lingered on the tips of everyone's noses, seducing the gluttons in their bellies...

[Congratulations, Bo Yan's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 45 points. 】

The favorability value suddenly sounded. Before Leng Su could turn around and look at Bo Yan beside him, Bo Yan poked his head over first.

"Is this the crucian carp soup I mentioned?" Bo Yan said with bright eyes.

"Want to try it first?"

"Yes, yes!" Bo Yan nodded quickly.

As soon as Leng Su packed the fish soup and handed it to Bo Yan, the two couples on the side leaned over.

Everyone stared at her sadly and said, "Susu, you are partial!"

"Yes, yes, Bo Yan is not as beautiful as me. Why are you nice to him but not nice to me?"

Leng Su: "..." Because he is my man! ! !

"Sister Su Su, I'm much more handsome than Bo Yan. I'm still single. Do you want to consider me?" said actor Li Kai.

He and Bo Yan both have the same gentleman persona. Their handsome styles are quite different, and their current influence in the entertainment industry is about the same.

As soon as Li Kai said these words, Mo Jie couldn't help it.

She reached out and grabbed Li Kai's ear, and said with a fierce threat: "Li Kai, if you have the ability, just say what you just said again!!!"


PS: [Daily request for votes]

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