The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2043 The “Almighty” Goddess VS the “Foodie” God (41)

"Are you hungry again?" Leng Su asked interestingly.

As soon as she said these words, the red color on Bo Yanjun's face deepened even before it faded.

He blushed and hugged Leng Su: "It's not that I'm hungry, it's Su Su that the food you cooked is so delicious."

"It makes people want to eat after eating..."

Hearing this, Leng Su was angry and funny.

She deliberately teased someone: "So do you like me as a person or the food I cook?"

"Are you staying with me just so that I can cook for you for the rest of your life?"

Bo Yan quickly shook his head and denied, "No, I like your food, but I like your person even more."

"You are irreplaceable in my heart."

"I'm really with you because I like you, love you, and want to stay with you forever."

"I have no intention of asking you to cook for me for the rest of my life..."

As he spoke, Bo Yan's voice became softer unconsciously.

There was a trace of tangle and embarrassment on his face.

He was with Leng Su because he really liked her.

Although, he did not deny that at the beginning, he was thinking about her because of the food.

But later, he really liked her and cared about her.

Moreover, he was sincere with her.

Even he had been entangled and troubled in his heart.

Especially in the past few days, every time he saw Leng Su working in the kitchen, he couldn't help but feel sad.

He felt sorry for her and was reluctant to let her cook for him.

He felt sorry for her and felt that cooking was too hard.

But every time he wanted to say something, he was blocked by the delicious food on the table.

"I'm willing to cook for you." Leng Su said happily.

As soon as Leng Su said these words, Bo Yancai suddenly woke up. He had subconsciously said everything he was thinking.

"You don't need to be confused, distressed, or entangled."

"I like you, I love you, so I am willing to cook for you, willing to work hard for you, and willing to work hard for you."

"Everything I do is done willingly!"

"Also, although it is true that I fry the vegetables, you are the one who washes and chops them. You also help me share the load, right?"

[Congratulations, Bo Yan's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the total favorability value is 100 points. The strategy is successful. 】

Bo Yan didn't say anything, but hugged Leng Su excitedly, feeling the fulfilling touch in his arms.

"Susu, I love you." Bo Yan said affectionately.

"I love you too." Leng Su said.

A romantic and warm atmosphere surrounded the two of them.

Just as the two hugged each other tightly and enjoyed the happiness of this moment, a strange sound suddenly sounded...

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

At that moment, Leng Su clearly felt the stiffness of Bo Yan's body.


However, it wasn't over yet, someone was obviously very hungry.

As the first sound rang out, the sounds followed one after another.


Leng Su couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

She silently broke away from Bo Yan's arms and reluctantly pecked on his thin lips.

"I'll make you some delicious food. Wait for me."

With that said, Leng Su got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing this, Bo Yan quickly stood up and followed: "Su Su, I'll accompany you."


In the kitchen, they have a very good understanding and harmony with each other...


PS: [Daily request for votes]

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