The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2051 Bingshan School Belle VS “Dandy” School Belle (6)

[Host, it is detected that the heroine is not asleep. This is a rare opportunity. Please stimulate the heroine quickly! ! ! 】

Facing the system's urging, Lu Jin's already unsightly face instantly turned even uglier.

MMP, spicy chicken system.

They've all been in a car accident, and I don't expect your conscience to find out. Why don't you add fuel to the fire? ! !

[Host, don’t forget that your mission is to fall in love and kill the heroine! 】

[It’s true that you can love the heroine, but you can only love the heroine silently in your heart. On the surface, you still have to find ways to stimulate her and make her hate you, down to her bones. 】

[Of course, it’s best to make the heroine hate you enough to imprison you! ! ! 】

Lu Jin: "..."

Who did he, Lu Jin, offend?

Why is this hot-blooded system targeting him?

Although Lu Jin is a bit messy and a bit uneducated, he is not a scumbag and does not seek death!

Instead of saving him, this stupid system actually tried every means to lead him into the gutter, trying to make him even more depraved.

[Host, this opportunity must never come again, don’t waste any more time! 】

[Host, stop hesitating, stop being indecisive, you won't be able to complete the mission if you continue like this! 】

[Once the mission is not completed, you, the host, will be obliterated! 】

[Host, your life is more important! 】

[Host, there is hope only if you are alive! 】

Seeing that Lu Jin didn't make any move, a certain system couldn't help it.


A burst of electricity appeared, and Lu Jin trembled all over, but he gritted his teeth to hold it back.

"Uncle and aunt, I'll leave first if I have something else to do. When I'm free..." Let's see classmate Leng Su again.

Lu Jin was halfway through speaking when he suddenly remembered what the system had said.

The system said that Leng Su was not asleep, saying that she was still awake.

If he said such words at this time, I'm afraid it would make her feel even more uncomfortable, and she might even not give up on him again?

[Host, tell me, tell me. Only in this way will the heroine never forget you, and you can continue to love and kill each other. Host, please tell me...]

Faced with the urging of a certain system and the invisible electric current in his body, Lu Jin gritted his teeth and turned around and ran away.

At the hospital's emergency entrance, Lu Jin huddled in the corner of the stairs, trembling.

He gritted his teeth and endured the electric shocks and convulsions on his body...

If it had been placed before, he would definitely not have resisted the system.

He, Lu Jin, has been a selfish person since he was a child. He could only survive by hurting a girl. Why didn't he do it?

This was also the reason why he denied it without hesitation when Leng Su asked him if he had ever liked her downstairs in the dormitory today.

It wasn't until the car accident that Lu Jin realized that he seemed to have thought everything too simply.

Maybe in his opinion, if he just stimulates a girl and plays with her feelings, he can survive, and it's worth it no matter what.

But he just forgot that some people can't afford it.

Lu Jin's life was valuable, but if he was asked to kill people and set fires in order to get the chance to survive, would he... still be willing?

No, no, he won't!

[Ding, warn the host once. If the host thinks like this again, this system will immediately kill the host! ! ! 】

Better to die than live...

Until the last moment, Lu Jin didn't want to die.

With such an idea in mind, Lu Jin closed his eyes and forced himself to dispel the thoughts in his mind...


PS: [The sixth update is over, good night, Mumoda (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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