The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2068 Bingshan School Beauty VS “Dandy” School Girl (23)

In the office.

Lu Jin became a top official and was severely punished by the dean and class teacher.

No matter how he defended himself, none of the teachers believed him.

They even brought up the gangster Lu Jin used to be when he was at Imperial University, saying how much of a gangster he was when he was at Imperial University.

He said that he kept pestering Leng Su these days, and the teachers felt sorry for Leng Su in their eyes.

What can I say? If he continues like this, the school will take corresponding measures.

Lu Jin: "..." What should I do? I'm so angry! ! !

Those teachers didn't investigate the truth, didn't listen to Lu Jin's excuse, reprimanded Lu Jin indiscriminately, and then kicked him out of the office.

As soon as Lu Jin left the office and returned to the classroom, he saw a boy in the classroom chatting up Leng Su and showing his affection.

Lu Jin is on fire.

He rushed forward and grabbed the boy. Just when the two almost started fighting, Leng Su grabbed Lu Jin.

"Lu Jin, have you had enough trouble?"

Obviously, Leng Su's face was calm and there was nothing wrong in his eyes or face, but Lu Jin couldn't help but let go of his hand.

Seeing this, the boy ran away quickly.

In the following period, people in the school confessed to Leng Su in various ways every day.

Lu Jin's anger at the beginning gradually turned into numbness...

Anyway, Leng Su ignored those people, why was he still angry?

Anyway, the person who has always been by her side is him, Lu Jin.

She has not been in contact with any man except him, which is enough to prove that he is different to her.

Seeing that this move was useless against Lu Jin, Xiang Qi simply gave up.

Anyway, he went back with revenge.

Compensation was also received.

It's actually quite good to give up a relationship that doesn't belong to him.

Lu Jin clung to Leng Su until graduation day...

On that day, Lu Jin prepared for a long time. He prepared flowers, balloons, diamond rings, and asked countless classmates for help.

Just when Lu Jin was ready, kneeling on one knee in front of Leng Su to express his love, a black Mercedes-Benz suddenly hit him...

"Depend on!"

"Mom and Dad, are you crazy?"

Lu Jin hugged Leng Su and hid aside, while yelling at the black Mercedes-Benz in front of him.

The car stopped, and Father Lu and Mother Lu got out of the car holding baseball bats with sinister smiles on their faces.

"Lu Jin, you are so capable!"

"You've become more capable!"

"It doesn't matter if you are uneducated and have no skills. You dare to pick up girls before you graduate from college!"

"Forget it about picking up girls, you actually dare to use the company's stocks to drive away your love rival!!!"

"Husband, come on!"

"If we don't kill this bastard today, how can we be worthy of our husband and wife's decades of hard work!"

Following Mother Lu's order, the couple rushed towards Lu Jin with baseball bats...

"Dad, Mom, I know I was wrong!"

"If anything happens, can we talk about it when we get home?"

"Mom and Dad, you really know this is wrong!"

"Today is my graduation ceremony. This is still in school. In front of so many classmates and teachers, you are really going too far to treat me like this..."

Lu Jin shouted while running quickly around, dodging left and right.

Father Lu and Mother Lu surrounded him from left to right, wildly swinging the baseball bat in their hands and waving towards Lu Jin...


PS: [Daily request for votes]

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