The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2071 Bingshan School Beauty VS “Dandy” School Girl (26)

Leng Su is not in a hurry to eradicate the existence of the "blackened system"...

She only temporarily controlled a certain system and put it into a dormant state.

Whenever Lu Jin made her angry or unhappy, she would release the blackening system and let him bully Lu Jin.

Every time Lu Jin just numbed himself, he said that the system must have disappeared after not appearing for so long.

But, every time he relaxed a little bit, that stupid system appeared inexplicably.

In the end, Lu Jin had to live every day with Leng Su as if it was his last.

I have to surprise Leng Su every day when I wake up, I have to pester Leng Su every day, I don’t work, I don’t go to work, I take Leng Su with me to eat, drink and have fun every day, and I travel around the world.

After all the trouble, Leng's father and Leng's mother, who already disliked Lu Jin, hated him even more.

It doesn't matter that he is uneducated and has no skills, but he still wants to drag their daughters into the water.

Originally, their daughter was working well in the company. Just a few months after taking over the company, the company's performance increased several times.

The couple had just enjoyed the happiness of having their daughter become a child, but before they had time to reflect on it, Lu Jin completely ruined it.

Under the urging of both parents, Leng Su and Lu Jincai reluctantly returned to China to hold a wedding and obtain a marriage certificate.

At the wedding, Lu Jin was tormented by Xiang Qi.

Especially during the wedding ceremony, Xiang Qi brought a large group of groomsmen and kept tossing Lu Jin until he almost collapsed.

In the end, Lu Jin was forced to take out a huge red envelope, and the farce was finally resolved.

Just as the parents of both parties were looking forward to the two of them being able to calm down their tempers after getting married, they could take over the management of the company properly.

But they didn't expect that as soon as they got married, they secretly went abroad for their honeymoon behind the backs of their elders...

This time it was three months! ! !

When I came back again, it was because Leng Su was pregnant and had to come back to raise the baby.

During the days when Leng Su was raising her baby, Lu Jin was forced to return to the company and began to be busy every day...

Leng Su was unhappy when he saw someone not seeing anyone all day long when he got busy.

Pregnant women are emotionally sensitive, so Leng Su didn't act or make a fuss. She just quietly awakened the "blackened system" when Lu Jin was about to leave for the company one morning.

[Ding, the system is restarting...]

[Ding, the system restarted successfully, please host to get the blackening value of the heroine Leng Su as soon as possible! 】

[It is recommended that the host divorce the heroine while she is pregnant. It is best to make the heroine angry and have an abortion. In this way, it is easy to obtain the heroine's blackening value! ! ! 】

Lu Jin: "!!!"

Stimulated by this system, Lu Jin was so frightened that he immediately dropped his briefcase and rushed towards the room where Leng Su was!

"Mom and Dad, I don't feel well today, so I won't go to the company. I want to stay with Susu!"

Leng’s father and mother: “…”

Father Lu and Mother Lu: "..."

"Lu Jin, it's Su Su who needs to raise the baby, not you!!!" the parents roared.

"Bang!" The door was slammed and locked.

Lu Jin's shameless voice came from inside: "I don't care, I'm not going to work anyway, you have to go alone, I want to accompany my wife!"

"Lu Jin, you unfilial son!!!" Father Lu and Mother Lu said through gritted teeth.

People say that raising children will protect you from old age.

Unexpectedly, they actually raised a white-eyed wolf.

Regardless of the fact that his parents are "old", he refuses to take over the company even to death, and is still squeezing their remaining value...

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