The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2083 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (10)

Even he, when reading, often thought that the content of the next chapter should be like this...

But often, when Leng Su's content was updated, he found that it was different from what he thought.

Very novel content, very novel story, but in line with logical thinking, no chaos, and no so-called magic twist.

The only bad thing... is that this author is too picky, too lazy! ! !

The update stopped on the second day of the book.

The update stopped the day before the release, and the day of the release! ! !

Is she just like this? Readers can't stand it no matter how patient they are.

Just when Xiao He was complaining in his heart, he suddenly saw something with his sharp eyes.

He pushed the editor in front of him away and grabbed the mouse from the other's hand.

See, the chapter list on the webpage showed that it was updated to 80 chapters...

Ten more chapters? ? ?

Wasn't it only 70 chapters last night?

Thinking about it, Xiao He quickly clicked on the update time to take a look.


Last night he waited until 0 o'clock, and then he couldn't bear it anymore and posted three comments. He turned off the computer and went to sleep at 0:01.

In other words, if he waited one more minute, he would find that others had updated.

Not only updated, but also updated ten chapters!

Xiao He's index finger trembled unconsciously, and he scrolled subconsciously.

Scrolling to the bottom, he saw that countless people had replied to him under the three comments he posted...

Clicking in, the comments were divided into two groups.

One group scolded him and helped Leng Su.

The other group supported him and scolded Leng Su.

Seeing this, Xiao He quickly pushed the editor in front of him away, grabbed the other's chair and sat down.

After a series of operations, he logged in his account and deleted the three comments immediately.

Without saying a word, he directly recharged 10,000 yuan and rewarded Leng Su with 1 million book coins.

[Congratulations to the author for the big sale on the shelves, sprinkle flowers, sprinkle flowers, sprinkle flowers! 】

Then, Xiao He came to Leng Su's book review area again and scolded all the readers who scolded Leng Su.

[The author was sick and went to the hospital yesterday, so she updated late. We are all human beings, so why are you so sarcastic? 】

[Look for yourself, the author's update is 0:02, and she has updated 10,000 words, which means that she has been writing until late at night since she came back from the hospital. 】

[How dare you scold such a diligent, hard-working, and good author? 】

[How can you be so thick-skinned? 】

[Have you ever thought that you scolded the author so much, and the author would feel uncomfortable? 】

[The author was sick and uncomfortable. If she was affected by your comments, if she couldn't write today, or if she couldn't write, then we wouldn't be able to see the update! ! ! 】

[What? Don't you want to see the author update? 】

After being scolded by Xiao He, those readers wanted to scold back.

But they thought about it and hesitated again and again. In order to continue to see Leng Su's updates and for this book that suited their appetite, they finally chose to delete the message silently.

At the same time, they all felt guilty and quietly recharged to reward Leng Su.

The second day after it was put on the shelves, Leng Su's "Heaven and Earth" became the best-selling book on the entire platform.

All the editors of the website paid attention to Leng Su and couldn't help but read her book.

Xiao He ignored the strange looks of the editors around him and returned to his independent office with a calm face.

PS: [There are 4 more chapters later, wait a moment]

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