The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2089 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (16)

As for this "Mary Sue", since the author's story was written by her, then Ye Zhen should just abandon that author's work.

There were so many popular books in her memory, so many books that were trying to reach the top of the online literary world. Even if she abandoned this author's books, she, Ye Zhen, could still write a lot more!

After brainwashing herself in this way, Ye Zhen quickly typed on the keyboard, writing a very popular novel in her memory...

Here, just as Xiao He was about to fall asleep, he received a notification tone from his cell phone...

He clicked on it and saw that QQ had already pushed a message, saying that the novel he was following had been updated.

When he clicked on it and found that Leng Su had actually updated it by 10,000 words, Xiao He was surprised, and at the same time he was also happy in his heart.

I can actually feel satisfied before going to bed, and I am in a good mood after watching it.

In particular, after Xiao He clicked on the content, he found that the plot inside was exciting and full of ups and downs.

[Congratulations, Xiao He's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 25 points. 】

When Xiao He reached the last chapter, what was left behind was full of resentment...

[Warning, Xiao He's favorability value has dropped by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 20 points. 】

This author is so cheating!

Originally, updating in the middle of the night would satisfy him and get a good night's sleep.

But I never thought that she would actually be Kavin! ! !

Do you know that this feeling of neither being up nor down is very unpleasant and frustrating?

He suddenly felt that he would never get a good night's sleep tonight.

I'm afraid I'll have to think about it all night long.

Finally, Xiao He couldn't hold it back anymore and poked Leng Su privately, trying to ask her if she could add another chapter.

Xiao He: [Dad, are you asleep? 】

After sending the message for a long time, no one responded.

In the end, Xiao He could only hold back the curiosity in his heart, reluctantly put down his phone and closed his eyes to sleep.

However, he tossed and turned that night and could not sleep.

It wasn't until dawn came and the sky was slightly bright that sleep slowly came over me.

Unexpectedly, not long after he fell asleep, his phone rang with a notification tone that he had specially set.

Xiao He opened his eyes suddenly, picked up his phone, and opened the message from Leng Su.

Leng Su: [I went to bed early last night and just woke up. What's wrong? 】

Xiao He: [When will Dada be updated today? /Pitiful】

Leng Su: [I don’t know... maybe, maybe, maybe it won’t be updated? 】

Xiao He: "!!!"

What the hell?

Not updating?

What kind of trouble do you want to cause?

Xiao He: [Dad, what’s wrong with you? Feeling unwell again? still? 】

Leng Su: [It’s just that I’ve written a lot of manuscripts recently, and I’m stuck. Yes, that’s right, I’m stuck! 】

Xiao He: "..." Not convinced at all?

Xiao He: [Sir, what about rewards and extra updates? 】

Leng Su: [Do you have such a thing? I don’t seem to have set this thing up? 】

Xiao He: [Sir, the RMB you gave as a reward yesterday was more than 20,000 RMB. Are you really not going to reward us readers with more? 】

Xiao He: [Dear, this setting didn’t exist before, but it can be added now! 】

Xiao He: [For example, if you give a reward of 1,000 yuan and add an updated chapter, you can not only get a reward, but also urge yourself to update the code. What a great thing. 】

Leng Su: "..." Auntie, I'm not short of money, why would I set up such a thing that has both disadvantages and no benefits? ? ?

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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