The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2098 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (25)

At that moment, Xiao He's heart was like a beating deer.

[Congratulations, Xiao He's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 55 points. 】

Xiao He was infatuated for a long time before he recovered from Leng Su's "extremely beautiful" voice and found his own voice.

"Why don't you reply to the message?" Xiao He asked.

"I just ate and I'm tired."

Xiao He: "..." This style of painting is really unique.

Tired of eating, tired of typing, tired of cooking, tired of going to school, tired of taking exams, tired of walking. How on earth could such a lazy person survive until now? ? ?

Although Xiao He was full of complaints in his heart, the words he spoke were the opposite.

"Is your stomach bloated from eating too much?"

"Try getting up and standing against the wall for a while, or take a few steps."

"Of course, if you really feel tired, just rub your belly with your own hands."

When he said these words, Xiao He's tone was gentle.

"I don't want to get up...I'm tired."

"I don't want to leave...I'm tired."

"I don't want to rub...I'm tired."

Xiao He: "..."

"Then just lie down and have a good rest. By the way, don't forget to find some digestive tablets to take to avoid food accumulation."

"There is no rush in coding. Your health is the most important thing. You should take good care of yourself. I will help you post book reviews in the book review section and let everyone know."

"Hmm..." Leng Su responded weakly.

"Then you have a good rest, I'm done."


Just when Xiao He was about to hang up the phone, Leng Su suddenly called out to him.

"What's wrong?" Xiao He asked worriedly.

"Who...are you?" Leng Su responded slowly and asked.

Xiao He: "..." Since she didn't know who he was, why didn't she ask him immediately after answering his call?

Why do you still talk to him so much?

Moreover, he just said that he would explain it in the book review section. Didn't she listen? ? ?

Or did she not listen to what he said from beginning to end? ? ?

Xiao He was very upset, aggrieved and unhappy.

But looking at the cute little face on the computer in front of me, and thinking about the soft little voice just now, my heart trembled unconsciously.

That little bit of anger, that little bit of dissatisfaction and grievance was instantly dissipated...

"I am Xiao He."

"Who is Xiao He?" Leng Su asked subconsciously.

Xiao He: "..." MMP, so angry! ! !

He just couldn't bear it anymore! ! !

He had been chatting with her for so many days, the two of them "getting along day and night" every day, he was by her "side" every day, and this girl didn't even know who he was? ? ?

Xiao He was very angry. He wanted to do something, but in order to avoid scaring the cutie on the other end of the phone, he suppressed his anger.

"Xiao He is your reader!"

After saying this, Xiao He couldn't bear it anymore and hung up the phone.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Xiao He overturned everything on the desk except the computer and mobile phone and smashed it to the ground...

As for why the computer and mobile phone were not smashed, it was naturally because there were photos of Leng Su in the computer.

There was Leng Su's number on the phone, as well as the conversation he had just had with Leng Su.

After Xiao He finished getting angry, he came to Leng Su's book review area.

Posting book reviews, he invented various reasons to appease Leng Su’s irritable readers.

【Related updates! ! ! 】

[The author has been busy with the college entrance examination these two days. Everyone knows the importance of the college entrance examination whether they have experienced it or not. Therefore, the latest update cannot be stable. Please understand it. 】

PS: [Daily request for votes]

There will be another chapter later, please wait a moment, the author is living and dying at a very fast pace

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