The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2100 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (27)

After posting the book review, Xiao He didn't know if it was to increase credibility, but he generously rewarded Leng Suda with 10,000 yuan! ! !

Seeing this, Leng Su was helpless.

She thought for a while, then silently opened Xiao He's QQ and chatted with him privately.

Leng Su: [I am a junior in college. 】

Xiao He: [Yeah, I know. 】

Leng Su: "..." You know you are still lying?

Leng Su: [Although I don’t want to code, I have 20,000 words saved...]

The implication is that even if she doesn't code today, it will not affect the update, so there is no need to ask for leave.

Xiao He: [Yeah, I know. 】

Xiao He: [Since you don’t want to code, then take a good rest today. Anyway, those readers understand. 】

[As for the 20,000 yuan in manuscripts, please keep them for emergencies. 】

[After all, the days are so long and your body is relatively weak. It is normal that you cannot code. 】

Leng Su: "..." Happiness came a little too suddenly, and she was a little confused at the moment.

Why was Xiao He so kind to her inexplicably?

Are the novels she writes already so awesome?

Can readers not only fall in love with her books, but also fall in love with her as a person?

Just when Leng Su was confused, Xiao He sent her another message.

[It’s getting late, you should have a good rest, don’t stay up late anymore, and take good care of yourself. 】

[By the way, don’t order takeout. It’s not safe for a girl to order takeout in the middle of the night. 】

Not to mention someone as cute and beautiful as you.

Leng Su: [Oh, thank you for reminding me, I’ll go to bed then. 】

Xiao He: [Good night. 】

After finishing the chat with Xiao He, Leng Su put down his phone and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling above with a suspicious look on his face.

She always feels like something happened that she doesn't know about...

Hmm, I really want to know.

Forget it, I still don’t want to think about it anymore, I’m so tired.

It's better to sleep, sleep comfortably...

Thinking of this, Leng Su threw away all the thoughts in his mind and fell into a deep sleep.

In the next few days, Leng Su was unusually lazy and insisted on writing ten thousand words every day.

But the strange thing is that after she wrote it, she never had the chance to send it out or update it.

Because, every early morning, Xiao He would use the excuse of reviewing for the college entrance examination to frantically ask for leave for her in the book review area...

Seeing that these five days have passed, she has stopped updating for five days. Instead of blaming her, the readers treated her better.

Xiao He was even more crazy. For five days, he insisted on giving her a reward of 10,000 yuan every day. He was so rich that other authors envied him.

Under the leadership of Xiao He, the number one "fanboy", although Leng Su's books were discontinued for five days, the bestsellers of her books not only did not decrease, but became even higher.

It has always occupied the first position on all platforms since it was launched, and has never been overtaken by anyone.

In addition to the miracles created by Leng Su, there is another book that created miracles and attracted the attention of editors on the website and Xiao He.

Yes, that book is "Love You for Ten Thousand Years" written by Ye Zhen...

From being in the top 20 on all platforms when it was launched, in just one week now, she has steadily surpassed the eighteen authors ahead of her, and has become the second-largest presence on all platforms.

After the website discovered Ye Zhen's impressive results, it couldn't help but feel surprised. It didn't understand how Ye Zhen, a dark horse, suddenly appeared...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [The Flowers on the Other Side Cannot Wait] and [Si Li] for their reward and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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