Xiao He couldn't find anyone and was extremely anxious.

Later, he couldn't help it anymore, so he pulled up Leng Su's information and took a look.

After confirming the city where Leng Su was located, Xiao He had a headache...

He has lived in the imperial capital for a long time and has visited the Youdao where Leng Su lives several times, but he is not familiar with it and has no friends there.

Wanting to know Leng Su's situation for a while was a big deal.

Just when Xiao He was in a dilemma, he suddenly noticed the emergency contact number filled in by Leng Su.

As soon as he saw the number, Xiao He didn't hesitate at all and called it directly.

The person who answered the phone was a female voice with a gentle voice. After the other party learned about his purpose, she immediately told him that there was nothing to worry about.

"Don't worry, my daughter is fine..."

"Is everything okay? Is she staying with your aunt?"

"No, she is dating her boyfriend. You can call her later."

With that said, Leng's mother hung up the phone without giving Xiao He a chance to react.

The busy tone of "beep beep" kept coming from the mobile phone, Xiao He was dumbfounded.

At this moment, the only thing in his mind was the sentence "She is dating her boyfriend" written by Leng Mu.

Boy friend?

Does she have a boyfriend?

How could she have a boyfriend?

How could she have a boyfriend?

Why does she have a boyfriend?

The whole day, Xiao He was at a loss, confused, and confused about the situation.

On Leng Su's side, she was sitting opposite the takeaway guy who was driving a BMW. She smiled and said, "I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way..."

"You seem disappointed?" the BMW guy said with a gentle smile.

"No, I'm just a little surprised." Leng Su explained.

No...who would have thought that the little brother who drove a BMW to deliver food to her turned out to be the son of her mother's best friend.

Moreover, she was actually tricked by her mother into going on a date today...

"I remember Aunt Liu's family doesn't run a chain restaurant? How come you, the heir to the Liu family, are delivering takeaways?" Leng Su asked curiously.

"It's not that I ran to deliver takeout, but the time you order takeout every day is just too coincidental..."

"Almost every time you order takeout when our store staff are off work..."

After the BMW guy finished speaking, Leng Su paused.

She was silent, constantly thinking about the time when she ordered takeout...

Two or three o'clock in the afternoon?

Eight or nine o'clock in the evening?

One or two o'clock in the middle of the night?

Thinking of this, Leng Su couldn't help but asked curiously: "Does your restaurant open a late-night snack stall?"

"No, we usually close from 10:30 to 11:00."

"Occasionally, customers leave late, and it will be delayed until 12 o'clock or 1 o'clock, but usually only the staff on duty are there at that time."

"You're very lucky. Every time you order takeout, you catch up with our customers before they leave, and there's still someone on duty."

"It just so happens that I go to various stores every day to reconcile accounts and collect payments..."

Maybe the first few times were indeed a coincidence for Leng Su, but the next few times were actually no longer the case.

However, there were some things he didn't intend to say too clearly.

"So I'm so powerful..." Leng Su sighed with a pretentious expression.

As the person involved, she is the only one who knows best the changes in taste before and after takeout.

However, the little brother didn't want to say more, so she naturally wasn't interested in saying anything.

After all...she has a family, and someone like the BMW guy is definitely a person she can see but not touch! ! !

PS: [It’s so annoying. My mouth smells so bad after having my wisdom teeth removed. Tomorrow I’m going to a small clinic nearby to check to see if it’s dry socket or something. My head is big, my wisdom teeth are spicy, my wisdom teeth are spicy, my wisdom teeth are spicy, I’m so angry! 】

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