In Xiao He's stunned gaze, Leng Su hugged him.

"wait for me."

An extremely short hug, before Xiao He could react, the softness in his arms had already withdrawn.

She took a few steps back, smiled at him who was stunned, and said, "I will go to the imperial capital to find you!"

After saying that, she kept backing up and waving goodbye to him.

Xiao He wanted to catch up, but was helpless. The security personnel on the side stopped him and kept urging him.

"Passengers who have already passed the security check should go in quickly and do not hinder the security check of passengers behind."

In this way, Xiao He could only watch as Leng Su retreated step by step, getting farther and farther away from him...

But she never turned her back to him. She always looked at him with a smile.

Watching him pass the security check, watching him move toward the registration desk little by little...

Xiao He left, and Leng Su also left.

They watched each other disappear from their eyes little by little.

Xiao He received a message from Leng Su as soon as he got on the plane.

【wait for me. 】

The same two words she said just now.

Looking at the fonts on the screen, the corners of Xiao He's tight mouth unconsciously raised and slightly hooked.

[Congratulations, Xiao He's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 90 points. 】

【Wait for you. 】

After replying to Leng Su, Xiao He turned off his phone and quietly waited for the plane to take off.

Half a month flies by...

In the past half month, Xiao He was very busy, and Leng Su was also very busy.

But they still say "good morning, good afternoon, and good night" to each other every day.

The relationship between them seems not as warm as before, but it seems to be the same as before.

An inexplicable feeling has been lingering in the hearts of the two of them.

Obviously, they didn't say anything or reveal anything, but there seemed to be a tacit understanding between the two.

It seems that they have a good connection with each other and can clearly perceive each other's emotions...

Seeing that the annual meeting was approaching, Leng Su worked hard for half a month and finally completed all the papers and exams required by the school ahead of schedule.

She also completed all the manuscripts she needed during her travels these days.

Her diligence these days makes everyone around her feel incredible...

The day before the annual meeting, Leng Su directly booked a ticket for that night and rushed to the imperial capital overnight.

Airport on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

As soon as Leng Su pulled the suitcase out of the aisle, he saw Xiao He, who was wearing a long black windbreaker and standing waiting like a luminous body.

The moment our eyes met...

She stopped walking, and he didn't step forward, but looked at her silently.

They looked at each other and smiled, and then he strode towards her. Without saying a word, she dropped her suitcase and trotted towards him.

They stood in front of each other, looking at each other's faces so close.

They smiled and hugged each other tightly...

"The imperial capital welcomes you," Xiao He said.

"Then do you welcome me?" Leng Su asked with a smile.

"I am even better than the imperial capital..." Xiao He said.

People come and go at the airport exit, and the combination of handsome men and beautiful women always attracts others' attention.

Leng Su's pink suitcase stood quietly aside, as if silently guarding its owner to prevent others from disturbing it.

After the hug, Xiao He pulled the suitcase tightly with one hand and held her little hand with the other.

The two of them exuded an aura that was too sweet to pay for their lives. Wherever they passed, they left countless envious glances...

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