The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2123 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (50)

As soon as Leng Su's styling was finished, the stylist said goodbye and fled in a hurry.

After Xiao He saw it, not only was he not angry, but he even raised his eyebrows. He felt that this stylist was very interesting and he could continue to cooperate with him in the future.

A certain stylist: "..." Singles please let go! ! !

In the afternoon, the annual meeting was held.

Xiao He is actually very busy, with many things waiting for him to arrange.

Many business tycoons who came to support him were also waiting for him to greet him, but he chose to be the hands-off shopkeeper.

Arrange everything and leave it to others to do.

And he stayed by Leng Su's side from beginning to end, walking the red carpet with her, signing autographs together, and taking photos together.

They entered the venue together, went to the VIP room to have snacks together, and entered the venue together to look at the elegantly dressed authors.

Since entering the venue, Leng Su's eyes have been wandering around, trying to find "Ye Zhen" she saw on the list.

Yes, Ye Zhen is here.

As a person in the late stage of lazy cancer, Leng Su was so lazy that he didn't even want to ask Xiao He.

She said that as long as people come, it will be fine.

As for the rest, no matter why she came here, her mission is to expel her anyway.

Entrance, red carpet, signature wall, photo area, VIP lounge, Leng Su searched all the places where the words were written, but did not see Ye Zhen...

She stood there feeling depressed for a long time before she realized what she was doing.

She seems, seems, should, doesn't seem to know Ye Zhen? ? ?

She didn't even know what Ye Zhen looked like, so how could she know which one was Ye Zhen...

Leng Su blinked his big innocent eyes, and his thick and curled eyelashes flickered like cattail leaves, which made Xiao He's heart beat violently.

So cute, so beautiful, so cute.

In the VIP lounge, the authors sat together in twos and threes, eating snacks and chatting, while some were diligently holding notebooks and writing today's update.

Because Leng Su is a new author this year, the website has not published any photos of her, so no one knows him.

As for Xiao He, as the president of the website, he usually stayed with other business tycoons or star company shareholders and invited celebrities at annual meetings in previous years. He rarely communicated with the authors, so no one knew them.

However, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women is always particularly eye-catching.

Although no one knew Xiao He or Leng Su, a lot of eyes were fixed on them.

Among them, there were some eyes that were particularly fiery, so fiery that they made Xiao He and Leng Su feel uncomfortable.

The two couldn't help but turn their heads and look over...

Among them, most of the eyes that fall on Leng Su are male authors.

Similarly, most of the eyes that fall on Xiao He are female authors.

Among them, there are several men and one woman whose eyes are particularly fiery...

When he noticed the looks that Leng Su and Xiao He were looking at, he was relatively calm and did not feel embarrassed about being caught. Instead, he smiled at them.

Some looked embarrassed, then quickly lowered their heads and closed their eyes.

Some are very calm, and some are showing kindness.

Among them, what attracted Leng Su the most was the female author.

Because the other party's eyes seemed very clear and simple, but Leng Su always felt that her eyes were unfathomable, as if she was hiding something.

And the smile on her face looked bright, beautiful, and contagious on the surface, but she felt a strange and disharmonious feeling.

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