The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2126 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (53)

With the appearance of Xiao He, another spotlight fell on him.

He walked up to Leng Su holding a rose in one hand and a golden trophy in the other.

He knelt down on one knee and handed her the rose.

After Leng Su took the flowers, Xiao He handed over the trophy very grandly, looked at her sincerely and said, "Su Su, I know you are not short of money, and I also know that it is quite tacky to give such a pure gold trophy. "

"But I still want to give it to you, because I have nothing, I only have money!"

"I love you, and I just want to give you everything I have."

"My money, my people, my sincerity, my joys and sorrows, these are all I have and what I want to give to you!"

Xiao He's words are not romantic at all, they even show off his wealth and are a bit hateful.

But Leng Su reached out to take the trophy, and bent down to place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I'm not short of money, but I don't mind more and more money..."

"So, I want your money, your people, your sincerity, your joys and sorrows!"

Audience seat below: "..." Can you please stop being so impatient with money? Is it vulgar?

You are not short of money, you are amazing, right?

MMP, I’m so angry! People are so annoying when compared to others!

In order to make some money, they stay up late every day coding, stay at home every day and dare not go out, and make sure to update every day.

Just as everyone was eagerly waiting for the two people to finish their confession and leave the stage, Xiao He suddenly took out something else...

A big red brocade box.

As the brocade box was opened, a diamond ring that almost blinded everyone came into view!

Mist grass!

So big?

Is this bigger than a pigeon egg?

Damn it, have these two people shown off their wealth enough?

"Susu, although the proposal seems a bit abrupt and urgent now, I still can't help it."

"Ever since I fell in love with you, ever since I saw you, I desperately want to be with you, want to propose to you, and want to marry you."

"When I see you, my emotions are out of control, my heart is out of control, and my whole person is out of control."

"Susu, I like you, please stay with me, please marry me!"

The audience below: "..." Why are you so bloody?

Why do they feel like they are watching a romantic idol drama?

This is a real society. Can we be more sincere and less clichéd? Less bloody?

"If... I'm with you, will you wash, cook and clean for me?"

"Will you help me write papers, help me take exams, and help me code?"

Just when everyone was expecting Leng Su to agree to the proposal and the two men to step down soon, Leng Su's next words once again left everyone speechless...

Laundry, cooking and cleaning? ? ?

Also help with writing papers? Help with exams? Help with coding? ? ?

Did they hear it correctly?

Such a handsome guy, such a rich tycoon, and this girl didn't agree quickly?

She actually plans to let a rich man turn into a nanny to serve her for the rest of her life? ? ?

"Yes, as long as you are willing to be with me, I will do all the laundry, cooking, cleaning, writing papers, exams, and coding!"

Xiao He agreed readily, so readily that everyone felt unbelievable.

As Leng Su stretched out her hand, and as Xiao He put the ring on her ring finger, the audience and the host expressed that they were still a little confused, a little incompetent, and unable to react...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

There will be more later, wait a moment

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