The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2129 “Lazy cancer” author VS “anti-fan” reader (56)

Seeing Ye Zhen's delicate appearance, some fat shareholders in the audience couldn't sit still.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the shareholder stood up from his position, the big screen behind Ye Zhen changed again...

Some screenshots appeared on the big screen.

The screenshot clearly shows that someone spent money to buy data and boost book subscriptions.

And that book is not someone else's book, it is "Ye Zhen's" book.

This is not over yet, the big screen is still changing.

Some more screenshots appeared, this is what it looked like a week after Ye Zhen brushed data for herself.

In the chat history, Ye Zhen stated her purpose directly.

She said she wanted to brush up negative reviews and lower scores, but the book she wanted to brush up belonged to no one else. It was "Heaven and Earth" by Leng Su.

Seeing this, Ye Zhen's face turned completely pale.

In other words, not only Ye Zhen's face was extremely ugly, but the faces of some authors in the audience were not much better either.

Just because the lights in the auditorium were not as bright as on the stage, and because everyone's attention was on Ye Zhen and the big screen at this moment, the people around them did not notice anything wrong with their faces and emotions.

The big screen was still changing, and Ye Zhen's body was shaking more and more violently...

She didn't understand why all this would be like this?

There are many people who cheat on websites, so why was she the only one who was found out and put on the public display to be so humiliated?

Ye Zhen was unwilling to give in.

She hated it so much, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Her family background is average, her appearance is average, and she has no advantages except being reborn.

The website wanted to destroy her, and she didn't even have the ability to resist.

Looking at the big screen that was still changing, the fear in Ye Zhen's heart became more and more intense.

She looked at the two presenters on the side for help, trying to pray that they would speak to save her, and that they could stop the big screen from continuing to change.

Unfortunately, both hosts were arranged by Xiao He.

With Xiao He's orders, they did not dare and would not speak for Ye Zhen.

Seeing that the two hosts avoided her eyes asking for help, Ye Zhen felt filled with hatred, but she couldn't do anything.

She looked around blankly, and her eyes finally locked on the shareholder who had just stood up.

Ye Zhen smiled, her eyes filled with tears, she looked at the shareholder with a pitiful expression, and sent a distress signal to him.

She kept shaking her head, as if she was denying something, and seemed to find everything in front of her unbelievable and unacceptable...

"No, that's not the case..."

"I didn't do these..."

"Oh oh oh, you have to believe me."

"I really didn't do this. How did I offend you? Why did you slander me? Why did you do this to me?"

At this moment, Ye Zhen knew that she had no choice but to go.

The evidence is there, whether she admits it or not, her reputation is completely ruined.

But even so, Ye Zhen firmly refused to admit it, and she was still trying to quibble.

She firmly believed that as long as she did not admit it, there might be a turnaround and a chance for this matter.

After all, there are so many authors who have been found to have plagiarized on the Internet. If those authors continue to write articles, they still have so many fans supporting them.

Yes, that's right, as long as she doesn't admit it, as long as she, Ye Zhen, can write more and better works, there is still hope for her to make a comeback! ! !

PS: [Daily request for votes, still typing, there will be more later, wait a moment, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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