The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2135 The erotic heroine of the beast world (2)

While eating, I took in the plot leisurely...

The original owner is Leng Su, a snake girl in the world of orcs.

In the original plot, the original protagonist and the male protagonist Zhan Han belong to the same kind of union.

They are both snakes, and because of their snake nature, the original owner and the male protagonist have far stronger and crazier needs in that regard than other orcs.

In the original plot, the two of them can be regarded as typical examples of newlywed love.

But all this was ruined by the arrival of an outsider...

The outsider is "Fengxing", a man from the world of immortality.

The purpose of Fengxing traveling through time and space to come to this beast world is to retrieve the fragments of his brother’s soul that was scattered away...

Yes, the plot is so bloody.

The male protagonist Zhan Han is one of the soul fragments of Feng Xing's brother...

When he first came to this world, Fengxing used persuasion.

He persuaded the male protagonist Zhan Han and the original owner many times, trying to get Zhan Han to go back with him voluntarily.

Helpless, they were in the beast world, and the original owner and Zhan Han didn't believe what Feng Xing said.

No, after Fengxing tried again and again to no avail, he stopped trying.

He immediately killed Zhan Han and left this beast world with Zhan Han's soul.

At that time, the original owner and Zhan Han had just developed an admiration for each other, and it was a time of deep affection.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhan Han died suddenly. The original owner couldn't accept it, so he also left this world with Zhan Han.

This is the end of the plot.

And Leng Su's mission is none other than to capture the "real male protagonist" and drive out the outsiders.

After receiving the plot, Leng Su is a little confused at the moment...

Isn’t the hero just chilling? ? ?

What is a "real male protagonist"?

Can you explain it clearly?

However, no matter how much Leng Su complained or slandered, the plot ended here.

Leng Su had no choice but to silently complain about the irresponsibility of "Hot Chicken Ming Yuan" in his heart.

Just as Leng Su endured the pain all over his body and struggled to eat the delicious food, a steady sound of footsteps came.

Without saying a word, Leng Su quickly stuffed the food in his hand into his mouth, chewed it three or two times, and then quickly swallowed it.

Looking up, I saw a tall, delicate-looking and even somewhat sinister man walking in from the door.

The man's upper body was bare, with an animal skin skirt loosely wrapped around his waist. His eight-pack abs and two chest muscles were unreservedly exposed to Leng Su's eyes.

Fog grass, fog grass!

This figure is so damn good!

What should I do? I really want to touch it...

As soon as this thought came into Leng Su's mind, her delicate body trembled slightly, a strange numbing feeling appeared, and a feeling of ecstasy emerged from the bottom of her heart.

My body, which was already sore and weak, suddenly became a limp mess...

Her mouth felt dry, and she twisted her body subconsciously, staring lovingly at the man in front of her who was approaching her step by step.

After noticing the changes in her body, the handsome man in front of him immediately frowned and said seriously.

"Su, you're in heat again!"

Leng Su: “???”

What the hell?


Is she in heat?

Leng Su looked at the man in front of him with a strange look on his face, and then looked down at himself.

I saw that her originally fair body was now glowing with a strange blush. Her body that was originally lying motionless was twisting uncontrollably, assuming one seductive pose after another...

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