The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2151 The erotic heroine of the beast world (21)

"Sister-in-law, I haven't had a few bites yet!!!" Fengxing emphasized.

"You are strong and have high cultivation. It doesn't matter to you whether you eat or not, so you'd better not waste food."

Fengxing: "..." It hurts my heart!

"I don't care, I want to eat!"

I don’t know if it’s for the sake of food, or if I simply like this kind of happy and ordinary life.

The more Leng Su refused to let him eat, the more Feng Xing wanted to eat.

After the meal, the atmosphere between the three people was extremely harmonious.

After the meal, Feng Xing found Leng Su and told her about Zhan Han.

"I figured it out..."

"First help the elder brother return the seven souls to his body. As for whether he leaves or stays, it depends on the elder brother's own choice. I...will never force him!"

After hearing this expected answer, Leng Su felt very calm.

Seeing the bitterness in Feng Xing's eyes, Leng Su couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

"I have found all his seven souls."

"What do the Seven Souls need to return to their bodies? Or any help?" Leng Su asked, changing the subject.

"I have already prepared the things. All I need to do is gather the eldest brother and his seven sojourners together."

"Okay, then you can see when the time is right and I'll go find them." Leng Su said.

Hearing this, Feng Xing was silent for a moment, and then said after a while: "Tomorrow..."

"Tonight, I want to be alone with my eldest brother for a while."

As soon as Feng Xing said these words, a strange gaze fell on him.

Looking up, he saw Leng Suzheng staring at him with a strange look on his face.

Fengxing: "..."

Feng Xing was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, his face was covered with black lines.

"What's that look in your eyes? I just want to say goodbye to my eldest brother! Can your thoughts not be so dirty?"

Facing Feng Xing's questioning, Leng Su blinked his big eyes and said innocently, "What did I say? Why am I so dirty?"

Fengxing: "..." Damn! ! !

Looking at Feng Xing's deflated look, the corners of Leng Su's mouth deepened.

If you want to "steal a man" from her, it depends on whether she agrees or not.


Through tonight's bonfire party, Feng Xing has achieved his goal of saying goodbye to Zhan Han.

He and Leng Su sat on either side of Zhan Han. He took out the wine bottle and wine glass from the Qiankun Ring, poured two glasses and handed them to Zhan Han beside him.

"Brother, let me toast you..."

Hearing this, Zhan Han silently glanced at the wine glass, then at Feng Xing, and then looked at Leng Su, as if asking her opinion.

Seeing Zhan Han's behavior, Feng Xing felt that he should be more cautious and responsive.

Thinking about the eldest brother in his memory, he was handsome and highly skilled. He had won the hearts of countless beauties in the world of cultivation, but he never stopped for anyone.

But he didn't expect that now, the eldest brother in his memory who was so powerful that he seemed to be omnipotent has now become a strict wife...

He even asked his wife for her opinion while having a glass of wine...

Facing Zhan Han's questioning gaze, Leng Suqing stepped forward, licked the corner of his lips, and said with a gentle expression.

"Try the taste first. If you like it, drink it."


After getting Leng Su's approval, Zhan Han took the wine glass from Feng Xing's hand and tasted it tentatively.

Immediately afterwards, his black eyes suddenly lit up, he opened his mouth and drank the wine in the glass.

Wine is just a very novel thing for Zhanhan...

In particular, he loved the lingering fragrance after entering his mouth.

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