The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2160 The erotic heroine of the beast world (31)

Thinking about it, Leng Su climbed out of bed without stopping and walked out of the wooden house with a big belly.

"Zhanhan, Zhanhan, where are you?"

"Zhanhan, come out quickly."

"Zhanhan, I have something to do with you!"

Leng Su kept shouting Zhan Han's name while walking hard with a big belly.

"Zhanhan, if you don't come back, I'm going to give birth!"


"Zhan Han, you bastard!"

"Zhan Han, you stinking snake!"

"If you don't come out again, I won't give birth!"

Leng Su almost visited the entire tribe, but she just couldn't see the man who was supposed to be by her side all the time.

The more Leng Su thought about it, the more anxious she became. Especially, she felt that her round belly was a bit scary, as if she really was carrying several snake eggs inside...

After Leng Su searched for a while, her round belly suddenly began to ache.

She clutched her stomach and slid down uncontrollably to sit on the ground.

"Ah, Zhanhan, bastard, come back quickly, I'm going to give birth, I really am going to give birth..."

Seeing Leng Su's reaction, some tribesmen on the side quickly gathered around her.

"Su, the clan leader went to collect medicine for you."

"Yes, yes, the clan leader said that you are going to give birth in the next two days, so he went to collect medicine for you."

"Collect...herb? What...medicine?" Leng Su panted while enduring the pain.

"Gather the medicine our females need to give birth to babies."

Leng Su was in pain and uncomfortable, but for some reason, there was no modern so-called amniotic fluid break underneath her body.

With the help of several other little females, Leng Su was returned to the cabin where she and Zhan Han were.

Beside the bed, a group of little females kept guarding her and comforting her.

"Su, please wait, we have asked Lei to find the clan leader."

"Yes, yes, when the clan leader comes back with the medicine, you can give birth to the child quickly after taking the medicine."


The overwhelming pain continued to overwhelm her.

Leng Su could only grit his teeth and endure it, his heart filled with resentment towards Zhan Han.

"Ah, I won't give birth anymore, I don't want to give birth anymore!!!"

"Zhan Han, you bastard, I don't want to give you a child anymore!"

"Zhanhan, you stinky snake, you can give birth to your own child if you can!"


While Leng Su was yelling, the door of the room where they were was suddenly kicked open.

At the same time, the man's anxious voice also came.

"Okay, okay, we won't give birth, we won't give birth."

"Never again."

With that said, Zhan Han walked to the bed and fed a red fruit in his hand to Leng Su's mouth.

"Su, take the medicine quickly. The baby will be born immediately after taking it!"

Looking at Zhan Han's handsome face so close, Leng Su felt aggrieved.

She opened her mouth and bit the red fruit in Zhan Han's hand, swallowing it in one gulp.

With the entrance of Hong Guoguo, Leng Su felt that the pain on his body instantly increased tenfold...


Leng Su couldn't hold it back anymore and screamed.

At the same time, she grabbed Zhan Han's hand with evil intentions, opened her mouth and bit it down viciously.

"Uh-huh!" Zhan Han snorted, and his fair complexion changed involuntarily.

After the pain passed, Leng Su felt that something was squeezing down from her stomach and crawling over...

A strong sense of worry and fear hit Leng Su's heart! ! !

Can't you really lay an egg?

Or just give birth to a bunch of little snakes?

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