No matter how incompetent Mother Leng was, and how wrong she was.

At least, at this moment, Si Mo saw regret and sincerity on her face.

He knew that she sincerely wanted to make up for Leng Su and sincerely said "I'm sorry" to Leng Su.

That's enough.

Because, no matter what, Leng's mother is the biological mother who gave birth to Leng Su and raised Leng Su.

Instead of keeping Leng Su away from Leng's mother, he kept blaming her.

Si Mo was more willing to ask her to forgive Leng's mother, so that there would be one more person to care for and love Leng Su.

Through these two times of Leng Su's relaxation and happiness at his home, Si Mo knew that she actually longed to have a happy family and someone to care and love her.

"Auntie, I know everything about Su Su. I can promise you that I will love her and pamper her for the rest of my life and will never let her suffer the slightest injustice."

Si Mo spoke very seriously, so serious that Leng's mother could not say any words of rejection.

What's more, Leng Su trusted and relied on Si Mo so much, even more than she, a mother.

"Susu likes you, and you like her, so I won't stop you from being together."

"But if one day you betray Su Su, I will never let you go even if I do everything in my power!"

Facing Leng Mu's threat, Si Mo's expression did not change, but he held Leng Su's hand tightly and said firmly.

"Aunt, don't worry, I won't give you this chance."

After the exchange between the prospective mother-in-law and the prospective son-in-law, Leng's father, who had been silent for a long time, finally made a move.

He silently took out a document and handed it to Leng Su.

"Susu, you deserve this."

"In the past, your mother and I were incompetent and didn't take good care of you."

"From now on, if you need anything, you can come to me."

"I still have things to do in my company, so I won't stay any longer."

Father Leng was really indifferent, just like the original owner remembered.

The document he left behind was a share contract, which contained 20% of the shares of the Leng Group.

As long as Leng Su signs, she will become the second largest shareholder of Leng Group in the future.

Just as Leng Su fell silent looking at the document, Leng Mu also took out a document and handed it to her.

"Su Su, these are all the shareholders and properties in my mother's name. These will be yours from now on."

Before Leng Su could refuse, Leng Mu continued.

"Mom knows that you don't know how to manage the company yet. Mom will continue to help you manage the company."

"You can continue your professional e-sports career with peace of mind. After you retire, it won't be too late to join a company and slowly take over."

"Besides, what your father and I have come up with is what you deserve, and you have no reason to refuse."

Leng Su looked at Leng's mother, and the mother and daughter just looked at each other.

In the end, Leng Su lowered her eyes, picked up the pen on the table and silently signed her name under the contracts.

"I heard that you won the game today, congratulations."

"Besides, it's getting late, so you should go back and rest early."

"I just divorced Xiao Cheng. I'm afraid I've been busy dealing with a lot of things recently and won't be able to leave for the time being."

"When I finish what I'm doing, I'll go see you again."

"Goodbye, aunt." Si Mo nodded.

Leng's mother glanced at Leng Su and saw that her mouth was tightly closed and she still didn't say anything. Although she felt disappointed, she didn't say anything.

"Then I'll leave first. Su Su will ask you to take care of her."


PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [You are the only love in my life] little fairy for your reward and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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