"If you really didn't know that Liu Chen was the mastermind behind all this, would you investigate him again and again?"

Hearing this, Leng Su blinked her innocent eyes and said, "I investigated him because he was inexplicably courting me..."

"I thought he had taken a fancy to your granddaughter, so I wanted to find out what he did and whether he had any bad habits."

Old Man Leng: "..."

"Get lost!"

Without any surprise, Leng Su was driven out by the old man with his cane...

If she hadn't run fast, the old man's cane might have really hit her.

Leng Su didn't forget to mutter to the old man while running.

"Grandpa, I must not be your granddaughter, I must be the granddaughter you picked up from the trash can."

Hearing this, the old man was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, picked up his cane and hit her.

After dealing with Liu Chen, the follow-up matters were much simpler.

However, in order to avoid exposing Yi Xuan's life experience and to avoid involving those bloody events of the year, Leng Su did not tell the world what Liu Chen did.

Anyway, Liu Chen is dead, those who hurt Yi Xuan have been arrested, and she has found evidence to clarify the black materials on the Internet.

After experiencing Yi Xuan being hacked and slandered twice, everyone's trust in Yi Xuan has reached a relatively high level.

Moreover, as the hospital staff broke the news about Yi Xuan's injuries, everyone's attention was instantly diverted.

Under Yi Xuan's Weibo, the screen was full of words like "I feel sorry for my little Xuan Xuan".

Everyone encouraged and supported Yi Xuan in various ways.

Soon, Yi Xuan was discharged from the hospital.

On the day of discharge, Yi Xuan was very calm. He did not refuse the interviews from media reporters, but answered with a smile.

When a reporter asked to see his shaved head due to surgery, Yi Xuan was also very calm. He took off his hat on the spot and lowered his head slightly like a gentleman, so that everyone could clearly see his dazzling bald head.

On the bald head, a hideous scar of a suture was clearly visible.



At first, these reporters were stunned, and then they quickly pressed the shutter to take pictures.

Unexpectedly, before they took a few pictures, Leng Su snatched the hat from Yi Xuan's hand and put it on his head again.

"You are so ugly, you are not afraid of scaring people if you show it." Leng Su said with disgust.

Yi Xuan smiled happily: "Okay, then I will only show it to my sister in the future."

Leng Su: "..." Shameless!

During this period after being discharged from the hospital, Yi Xuan needs to stay at home and recuperate.

Just when everyone thought he was going to leave the public eye temporarily, no one expected that Yi Xuan would change a way to be active in everyone's sight.

【Yi Xuan V: My sister said that even if I have a scar on my head and become ugly, she will not dislike me/be happy. 】

There is also a picture below this sentence, which shows Leng Su carefully applying ointment to his bald head.

In the photo, Yi Xuan is pale, but he smiles sweetly and happily.

In the photo, Leng Su looks very serious and rigorous.

It's just applying ointment, but everyone sees the pain in her eyes, and the carefulness and care she treats like a treasure from her expression.

As soon as Yi Xuan's fans saw this text and this photo, they became excited...

PS: [Daily vote request]

There will be more updates later, I'm writing it, wait a moment, mua (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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