The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2279 Gangster Lady VS “Undercover” Bodyguard (17)

"Brother Shaochen, yes, I'm sorry." After saying that, Xiao Rong pretended to hide her face and ran away.

Seeing her staggering away, Fu Shaochen didn't react at all.

She was not his, so what did it have to do with him whether she cried or despaired?

Xiao Rong ran for a long distance. When she came to a corner, she couldn't help but stop and secretly turned her head to look behind her.

There was no one behind her. Apart from the other students walking around, Fu Shaochen was not seen.

Xiao Rong leaned against the wall, clenched her hands tightly, and the weak and innocent look on her face disappeared.

"I will not give up!"

"Fu Shaochen, I will definitely get you!"

"Leng, Su!" Xiao Rong said Leng Su's name with a look of jealousy.

"Rong Rong? Is it really you?"

Just when Xiao Rong fell into jealousy and couldn't extricate herself, a familiar male voice sounded in her ears.

After noticing someone, Xiao Rong quickly calmed down the ferocious emotion on her face.

He raised his head and looked carefully at the person in front of him.

"Brother Pei?" Xiao Rong had tears in her eyes and looked at the man in front of her with surprise.

"Rong Rong, why are you crying? Who bullied you? Tell me and I will help you get revenge." Pei Yi wiped the tears from the corners of Xiao Rong's eyes with a distressed look on his face.

Facing Pei Yi's tenderness, the tears that were holding back in Xiao Rong's eyes were uncontrollable and flowed down violently.

She fell into Pei Yi's arms, hugged Pei Yi's waist tightly with both hands, and buried her face tightly into Pei Yi's hard and generous chest.

"Uuuuuuuu, Brother Pei..."

"Rong Rong, don't be afraid. Brother Pei is here. If anyone bullied you, just tell them and Brother Pei will help you get revenge."

Pei Yi originally liked Xiao Rong, but it was Xiao Rong who kept holding him back with the excuse that she would not fall in love before graduating from college.

Therefore, the two of them have always been so close to each other without distinction.

But in fact, no one in the entire Imperial University knew that Pei Yi was madly pursuing Xiao Rong. In the eyes of others, Pei Yi and Xiao Rong had already been a couple.

"Uuuuuuu, Brother Pei, is Rongrong really annoying?"

"Brother Pei, Rongrong really has no other intentions. I just care about my sister..."

From beginning to end, Xiao Rong never mentioned Fu Shaochen, but only mentioned Leng Su.

Listening to her sad cries, facing the moist touch on her chest, and feeling the slightly trembling body of the girl in her arms, Pei Yi was overwhelmed by the two emotions of heartache and anger.

He carefully patted Xiao Rong's back and comforted her: "Our Rongrong is the best girl in the world."

"If you ask me, Rongrong, you are just too kind."

"A woman like Leng Su who is ignorant and has no skills and only knows how to fight and have a messy private life all day long. Rongrong is the only one who is so kind-hearted that you can persuade her and talk to her."

"Look at the entire Imperial University, who would care about that woman?"

"Rong Rong, listen to me and don't bother with that woman Leng Su anymore. You see Xiao Yu doesn't care about her, so don't bother with her anymore."

Listening to Pei Yi's obvious disgust and rejection of Leng Su in his words, and listening to his gentle and careful persuasion, Xiao Rong felt satisfied inside, and a bright look appeared on her face as she buried her head in Pei Yi's chest. of arc.

Leng Su, look, Pei Yi is mine now...

Fu Shaochen will be mine sooner or later! ! !

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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