The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2282 Gangster Lady VS “Undercover” Bodyguard (21)

Before everyone rushed up to beat them, Leng Su finally had a conscience!

Finally I knew how to invite everyone to come over and eat cones and popsicles together!

"The weather is so hot. Don't just remember to run. Let's eat popsicles and run together."

"Come on, come on, everyone, come over and see what flavor you like. Take your pick."

With that said, Leng Su asked Fu Shaochen to take off the small refrigerator and throw it to the students in front.

After everyone got the small refrigerator, they immediately looked at the physical education teacher who was supervising them...

Then, everyone saw this scene...

Their physical education teacher, who was always strict and uncompromising, actually chose to turn around silently when they looked over.

Students under the scorching sun: "..." Teacher, where is your moral integrity? ? ?

Even if Leng Su's family is awesome, even if Leng Su is the eldest daughter of the number one gangster in the imperial capital, teacher, you can't let her lead us astray like this! ! !

After everyone glared angrily at a certain spineless PE teacher, they rushed to open the small refrigerator one by one and frantically grabbed the cones and popsicles inside.

On the playground, everyone ate cones and popsicles with satisfied expressions. While thanking Leng Su, they were also very loyal and accompanied Leng Su to "hold back" and walked slowly to eat.

Looking at this group of undisciplined students, the physical education teacher on the side also glared at these people angrily.

"Don't ask for advancement, just know how to eat!"

"Such a good opportunity to exercise has been wasted!"

In the dark, when Xiao Rong saw how well Leng Su got along with these classmates, a trace of suspicion appeared on her twisted and delicate face.

No, the plot shouldn't be like this...

Thinking of everything that had happened in the past few days, Leng Su's indifference and Fu Shaochen's coldness and inhumanity, Xiao Rong always felt that something was wrong.

She had suspected that the butterfly effect was caused by herself, but whether it was Xiao Yu or Pei Yi, those people were exactly the same as in the plot she knew.

Only Leng Su and Fu Shaochen... is it because they are the male and female protagonists? Or is there a problem between the two of them?

Xiao Rong's fiery gaze fell unabashedly on Leng Su and Fu Shaochen. The expression on her face changed rapidly. Finally, as if she had made a decision, her gaze was fixed on Fu Shaochen.

In the evening, when school was over, Leng Su was lying on Fu Shaochen's back, performing the last act of torturing a dog and spreading dog food.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the school, he was blocked by a large number of bodyguards in black.

"Miss." A group of bodyguards greeted respectfully.

The door of the black Mercedes-Benz on the side opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a white suit with a perfect figure got out of the car and walked in front of them.

After noticing Leng Su's behavior of lying on Fu Shaochen, the middle-aged man frowned slightly and stared at Leng Su with an unhappy expression.

"Susu, come down."

Looking at the well-maintained Xiao Mingkai in front of him, Leng Su smiled as he listened to the other person's scolding.

"What qualifications do you have to care about me?"

"Whoever I like to lie on is all my business, and you, Xiao Mingkai, have no right to care about it!"

"Also... good dogs don't block the way. I'm going home. Get your men out of the way!" Leng Su said in a cold tone.


PS: [Daily request for votes]

PS: Thank you [Zhiyou] [[Fairy Group] Somnus Mi\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;] [Yue Jiuru] [Lan Xuemu] four little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄ )づ╭~

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