The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2297 Gangster Lady VS Undercover Bodyguard (37)

In this smokeless battle, she is the most innocent one...

Even though he didn't do anything, he had to suffer all this because of his involuntary background.

They had never met before.

From now on, he will protect her and love her, and will never let her stand on the edge of the storm and bear everything.

Before Leng Su could do anything, Fu Shaochen had already called the police.

The post on the forum was blocked. After police investigation and identification, it was confirmed that the photos were photoshopped.

The person who posted the message was also found. He is also a student at University S, a male classmate and Pei Yi’s roommate.

After the other party was caught, he confessed everything directly during the interrogation.

He said that he liked Leng Su, but because Leng Su was rejected when he confessed to her, he was unwilling to do so and wanted to destroy Leng Su.

After learning the truth, everyone in the school was stunned.

But Leng Su and Fu Shaochen didn't believe it...

She didn't remember whether this boy was one of her suitors, but he didn't believe what he said.

She believed that there were people in the world who would destroy each other just because they couldn't get it, but this boy was definitely not the case!

Whether it's based on his studies or his usual personality at school, he doesn't seem to be such a crazy person.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is Pei Yi's roommate!

Pei Yi...

When thinking of this third generation red, Leng Su couldn't help but think of what happened on Xiao Mingkai's birthday dinner.

That day Xiao Rong just covered her face and ran away crying, but then Pei Yi threatened her with harsh words, which shows how deep Pei Yi's feelings for Xiao Rong are.

If she guessed correctly, the reason why Pei Yi did such a thing this time was probably because of Xiao Rong.

Didn't she just slander Xiao Rong in front of Xiao Mingkai a few days ago? Xiao Rong must have complained to Pei Yi, and that's why the other party did such a thing of "treating the other person with his own way"... …

Leng Su had just made a guess. Here, Fu Shaochen quickly put all the evidence in front of her.

It turned out that the male classmate's family situation was not good, and his mother was diagnosed with gastric cancer a few days ago.

After Pei Yi learned about this, he reached a deal with the boy.

Pei Yi contributed the money and the boys contributed...

One million... To Pei Yi, it was just a small amount of change, but to the boy, it was his mother's life-saving money.

For one million, the boy personally destroyed his promising future.

Leng Su's incident made a big fuss in S University and had a very bad impact. The boy was immediately expelled from the school.

Pei Yi, on the other hand, had nothing wrong with him, except that he was short of pocket money.

And Xiao Rong, still enjoying Pei Yi's various pursuits of her every day, all kinds of good things.


Thinking of this, Leng Su couldn't help but sigh.

This life is truly a drama.

Just when Leng Su sighed, Fu Shaochen suddenly hugged her tightly.

"What's wrong?"

Feeling the warm and vibrating chest under her cheek, and feeling the strength of Fu Shaochen's hold on her, Leng Su couldn't help but ask in confusion.


"???" Leng Su looked confused, "Why did you say you're sorry to me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm incompetent. I said I would protect you..."

"Pei Yi has a different identity. Even if I hand over the evidence I have, I can't do anything to him."

Hearing this, Leng Su felt warm in her heart. She hugged Fu Shaochen back and said with a happy face, "It's okay."

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