The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2301 Gangster Lady VS

"We can go together, but you must promise me that you will not put yourself in danger again!"

"Not even if it's for me!"

"Okay." Leng Su agreed readily.

It was so refreshing that Fu Shaochen felt uneasy...

He always felt that she was perfunctory with him.

He was about to give some more instructions, but Leng Su ignored him and turned around and went into the room to change clothes.

Fu Shaochen: "..."

Seeing this, Fu Shaochen could only sigh silently.

I made a mental note to myself, thinking that I should pay more attention when I go out for a while, and I must hold her hand tightly and not be pushed away by her again.

Even if he had to push, he could only push her away and protect her!


Ever since the two of them went out, various accidents had occurred along the way, and they were all aimed at Fu Shaochen.

A flower pot fell upstairs, a Tibetan mastiff suddenly rushed over, or the brakes failed.

Fortunately, Fu Shaochen and the others were not that stupid. They didn't directly agree to go to the police station or something.

Otherwise, if those people knew their destination, it would be a series of car accidents...

By then, those people's target will no longer be Fu Shaochen.

The process of handing things over was smooth.

After asking Leng Su how to open the jewelry, Fu Shaochen's superiors tested the authenticity of the items on the spot and also backed up the items.

First, I sent a secret email, and then I went back with the things to hand over.

As for Leng Suti's request, the other party didn't think much about it and nodded and agreed.

After all, what was supposed to be obtained was obtained, and some undercover agents had to be removed.

Moreover, in this chaos, Leng Su is an innocent person and Fu Shaochen is the hero, so their safety is naturally important.

Needless to say, in the next period of time, the country will definitely be in turmoil, and their choice to go abroad is considered the best choice at the moment.

After settling the matter here, Fu Shaochen and Leng Su went home and simply packed their luggage.

"Su Su, I want to go home." Fu Shaochen said suddenly as soon as he finished everything.

"What's wrong?" Leng Su asked.

"My previous documents were all half genuine and fake. We are going abroad tomorrow and I need to go home to get my passport and documents."

"Oh, go ahead, I'll wait for you at home."


They all thought that this separation would be brief for an hour or two at most.

But he never thought that this separation would be so long that Fu Shaochen regretted it!

After Fu Shaochen left, Leng Su made dinner at home. Thinking that it was chaotic outside, she still didn't go out.

In the evening, she thought Fu Shaochen would come back, but she didn't want him to call her and say that he had something to do at home and was delayed, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to go back today.

The two agreed to meet at the airport early tomorrow morning, and after exhorting each other again and again, they ended the short phone call.

The next day, early in the morning.

Leng Su got into the car arranged by Fu Shaochen and had a smooth journey to the airport.

When they arrived at the terminal, Fu Shaochen exchanged messages with her, saying he would be arriving soon.

However, time passed bit by bit...

Leng Su kept waiting where she was until the registration announcement sounded, but she never waited for Fu Shaochen to show up.

The text messages I sent out seemed to go unanswered, with no one replying.

Several calls were made, and just when Leng Su was worried about whether something happened to the other party, Fu Shaochen finally answered the phone.

"Susu, I'm sorry, I have something to do here and I'm afraid I won't be able to leave..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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