The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2303 Gangster Lady VS Undercover Bodyguard (44)

At that time, Fu Shaochen only thought about Leng Su and the time to board the plane.

He actually didn't have much idea about his life experience.

He was thrown into the army when he was very young, and the most profound memories of his life are in the army.

My best friends, comrades, brothers, and superiors are all in the army.

In fact, Fu's father and Fu's mother were not particularly close to him, and he was not always with Fu's and Fu's mother. Naturally, he did not have any so-called deep feelings.

As for the Pei family, Pei's father has passed away, and he has never met Pei's mother or Mr. Pei, let alone any feelings.

After discovering the truth about his life experience, Fu Shaochen missed Leng Su even more.

I desperately want to be by her side, want to hug her, kiss her, and feel her warmth and real touch.

But... the Pei family has a great business. Fu Shaochen doesn't care about his own life experience, but the Pei family cares about their children.

Therefore, as soon as Fu Shaochen arrived at the airport, he was surrounded by people sent by the Pei family.

The announcement to board the plane was already playing on the radio. No matter how anxious Fu Shaochen was, no matter how powerful he was, he could not defeat thirty or forty people by himself.

So, all he could do was say "I'm sorry" when Leng Su called.

As for leaving Lengsu? Fu Shaochen never thought about it.

Because the country is in chaos now, and he himself is being targeted by the Pei family because of his background, he is now helpless.

If Leng Su stayed in the country, it would only be more of a threat, because he would have no way to accompany her and stay by her side.

Therefore, he chose to let Leng Su go abroad alone, while he tried to find a way to solve the Pei family's affairs as soon as possible, and then fly abroad to find her as soon as possible.

After reading Fu Shaochen's sincere apology, the depression in Leng Su's heart faded slightly.

However, he had no intention of letting someone go just like that...

However, she did not ignore Fu Shaochen, but asked him about Xiao Rong.

Since Xiao Mingkai was arrested and Pei Yi's life experience was exposed, Xiao Rong disappeared for a while.

Because of Leng Su's previous instructions, Fu Shaochen had been sending people to follow Xiao Rong, so he learned that the other party was staying in a small house under her name these days, and was on a short leave from the school.

Xiao Rong once tried to find Fu Shaochen, using Leng Su as an excuse to pretend to be pitiful and innocent in front of Fu Shaochen.

Of course, Fu Shaochen was not fooled and had someone drive her away.

From then on, Xiao Rong never appeared in front of him again. Instead, she began to look for some temple, some holy monk, some expert, etc.

After learning everything from Fu Shaochen, Leng Su was not too surprised.

Except for Fu Shaochen's life experience, everything else was actually within her expectations.

However, after learning Fu Shaochen's true identity, Leng Su understood Xiao Rong's weird attitude before.

It seems that the outsider this time must be Xiao Rong who has not escaped.

Based on what Xiao Rong did, Leng Su guessed that the other party was not reborn, but must be some kind of person wearing a book...

Fu Shaochen quickly settled everything in the country, bought a plane ticket and came to look for Leng Su.

The day Fu Shaochen arrived in Country M, the sun was shining brightly outside, and the weather was exceptionally clear and comfortable.

After more than ten hours of flying and more than an hour's drive, Fu Shaochen finally arrived at the hotel where Leng Su lived as he wished.

Then...then...Fu Shaochen suffered a tragedy.

Because, as soon as he entered the hotel, he was told that Leng Su had already checked out of the room...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

There are also updates, which are being written. The plane should be about the same today, and it may be over.

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