The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2309 Gangster Lady VS

But that’s fine too…

Since the soul of the original body is still there, this body will not die, which will save her a lot of trouble.

Just as Leng Su dialed the emergency number and watched Xiao Rong being picked up by the ambulance, she was suddenly hugged from behind.

The familiar embrace, the familiar warmth, the familiar strength, the familiar breath... all of this made Leng Su clearly know who was holding her behind her.

"Not bad, the speed is very fast this time." Leng Su joked.

Hearing this, Fu Shaochen's face froze, and he held Leng Su's hand harder.

He didn't care whether they were in public or not, or how many people were watching them watching the show.

He buried his face in Leng Su's sensitive neck and said cautiously and pitifully: "Su Su, I know I was wrong..."

"I promise I will never force you again or disobey you again." Fu Shaochen said sincerely.

Under his repeated assurances, Leng Su finally forgave him.

What else can you do besides pampering your own man?

After the two returned to China, after many urgings from Mr. Pei and his mother, they went to meet their parents with gifts.

As soon as they met, Mr. Pei and his mother Pei talked about their wedding.

When talking about the wedding, Leng Su clearly saw the surprise in Fu Shaochen's eyes, but he suppressed his words and looked at her instead.

Until she smiled slightly and nodded slightly at him, Fu Shaochen could no longer suppress his excitement.

In this way, over a meal, the time, place and related matters of their wedding were decided.

Just when Leng Su was about to try on wedding dresses, they received a gift delivered to their door.

A very valuable and precious gift.

The gift box was opened, and the extremely gorgeous and exquisite wedding dress inside was exposed to everyone's eyes.

Mr. Pei and his mother Pei looked at each other and looked at Fu Shaochen beside them.

Obviously, both elders thought Fu Shaochen bought it.

Leng Su was surprised for a moment. Looking at Fu Shaochen's ugly face, she seemed to have guessed something, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Yes, she was just gloating!

Who makes someone speak without speaking...

I promised not to force her, and I won't act recklessly regardless of her wishes.

As a result, this little goblin was lucky, he actually played word games with her.

He won't force her or ignore her wishes...

He directly aroused her until her whole body felt hot and uncomfortable, and then waited for her to take the initiative to beg him! ! !

Under Fu Shaochen's angry gaze, Leng Su accepted the wedding dress.

Just when she was about to open the postcard, Fu Shaochen snatched it away.

The postcard was opened, and a familiar name that they had almost forgotten appeared in Fu Shaochen's sight.

Longze! ! !

This guy still refuses to give up?

They were about to get married, and he actually gave him a wedding dress. He also said that if Su Su regretted it, she could wear this wedding dress and run away to find him...

After reading the content on the postcard, Fu Shaochen tore the postcard into countless pieces without saying a word.

A pair of black eyes stared at the wedding dress in Leng Su's arms, as if he wanted to cut the wedding dress into pieces with a thousand knives.

It's a pity that Leng Su wants to go against him.

She didn't react at all to his ugly, angry expression.

Just so openly, I carried the wedding dress upstairs, entered the room, and tried it on...

PS: [Request for votes every day, little fairies passing by, don’t miss it, remember to vote for this book and give Xiaoxiao your precious votes~~~]

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