The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2318 “Down and out” actress VS “abstinent” agent (9)

Xia Yi's eyes dimmed, her thin lips pursed slightly, and she was about to take back her hand, but a warm little hand silently held his big hand.

Well, very soft.

Xia Yi raised his eyes and looked at Leng Su with confusion.

The girl's eyebrows were curved, and there was a faint smile on her lips: "I'm fine."

Seeing Leng Su showing such a bright smile to him, Xia Yi couldn't help but be slightly startled. Then his slightly frown relaxed and his tightly pressed thin lips returned to their natural state.

Although he still looked expressionless and cold, Leng Su clearly noticed that his expression was much softer.

[Congratulations, Xia Yi's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 50 points. 】

Leng Su: "..." Although I really don't want to complain about my man.

But this guy is really sunny one second and rainy the next.

If it weren't for her strong ability to withstand pressure, most people would probably be unable to bear the rhythm of his good feelings flying up to the sky and falling to the ground.

Although Leng Su insisted that she was fine, Xia Yi still sounded the alarm bell and called in doctors and nurses to check her again.

After receiving repeated confirmation from the doctor, Xia Yi's face looked much better.

Seeing Xia Yi's worried look, Leng Su felt sweet but also did not forget to care about someone.

"I remember you saved me before I fell into coma. Are you okay?"

"Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? Has the doctor seen you?" Leng Su asked.

Facing Leng Su's concern, Xia Yi's cold facial features became much softer again: "Well, I've seen it, I'm fine."

It's really rare to hear this guy say so many words at once...

[Congratulations, Xia Yi's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 55 points. 】

Leng Su: "..." She suddenly became so easy to conquer, and she felt even more uneasy, didn't she?

After the doctors and nurses left, they were alone in the huge ward, and it became quiet again.

Faced with the sudden awkward atmosphere, Leng Su didn't expect Xia Yi to say anything on his own initiative.

So, she could only speak on her own.

"By the way, how long have I been in coma? How is the filming going on the crew's side?"

"And this Wia, didn't Director Lin ask someone to check it again and again before filming started? Why did it suddenly break?"

When Leng Su mentioned this matter, Xia Yi's face suddenly darkened.

The brows that had just been relaxed were frowned again, the thin lips were pressed tightly again, and a dangerous light flashed in the deep black eyes.

Looking at the series of expression changes on Xia Yi's face, Leng Su was wondering what the other party would say, but when Xia Yi spoke, she was speechless...

"You have been asleep for a long time. Eat something first."

Leng Su: "..." No, can you answer her question first?

After taking the porridge handed over by Xia Yi, Leng Su couldn't help but look at Xia Yi while eating, and continued to ask: "You haven't said how the crew is doing, and what happened with Wia..."

"I will take care of it." Xia Yi said expressionlessly, "Eat your porridge well."

Leng Su: "..." Forget it, if you don't want to tell me, why can't I ask others?

Thinking of this, Leng Su didn't hesitate anymore and finished the porridge in a few seconds.

While handing the empty bowl to Xia Yi, he talked about being discharged from the hospital.

"By the way, Xia Yi, did you tell Director Lin and others about my waking up?"


"You didn't say anything? Then I'll call Director Lin and tell him."

As soon as she finished speaking, Leng Sugang reached out to touch the mobile phone beside her. As a result, her small hand was grabbed by Xia Yi's big hand...

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