The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2320 “Down and out” actress VS “abstinent” agent (11)

After experiencing some things once, he doesn't want to experience them a second time in his life...

The moment he watched her helplessly fall from the sky, his heart seemed to stop beating at that moment.

It was not until that moment that he realized that his thoughts about her had reached such a strong level...

"Since it has been confirmed that it was an accident, then we should pay more attention and check more in the subsequent filming. Why do we have to resign?"

Hearing this, Xia Yi looked up at her and said expressionlessly: "I have the right to decide all your work."

Leng Su: "..." Well, she finally saw that this guy didn't even think about explaining anything to her.

Forget it, he liked to talk or not, anyway, it was not her money that was lost by breaking the contract, so why should she worry about him?

Although Leng Su resigned, Director Lin showed no intention of blaming him at all.

When Leng Su was forced to stay in the hospital for a few days by Xia Yi, Director Lin specially brought everyone from the crew to visit Leng Su and brought her a lot of fruit supplements.

He also apologized to her very solemnly, saying that it was the crew's fault this time and that the accident occurred because of insufficient inspection.

It is said that the crew will be responsible for all Leng Su's treatment expenses during this period.

They also said that they understood Leng Su's resignation. Although they were sorry, they also wished her well and allowed her to rest and recuperate during this time.

To be honest, Leng Su was flattered by Director Lin's surprisingly good attitude.

Because, with Director Lin's status in the entertainment industry, countless people in the entertainment industry rushed to film his scenes, but she unexpectedly resigned without knowing what to do.

Even if she resigned, Director Lin still had such a good attitude towards her. He didn't blame her at all and even blessed her.

What else could he say, hoping that she would consider his next drama, and that he admired her very much.

You know, Director Lin is not an ordinary director. Even if the original owner is still the popular actress before, it is not enough for Director Lin to treat her with such a good attitude.

Of course, no one wants to have an accident, but the problem is that she did not suffer any substantial injuries, and Director Lin also apologized to her and paid for her medical expenses.

"Not consider."

Before Leng Su could speak, Xia Yi rejected Director Lin first.

Leng Su: "..."

Director Lin: "..."

Facing the suddenly awkward and quiet atmosphere, Leng Su spoke quickly and tried to smooth things over.

"Director Lin, each of your plays is a very influential representative work. It is my honor and blessing to be able to participate in your play. I will definitely consider it."

As soon as Leng Su said these words, Director Lin's expression returned to normal, but Xia Yi's expression turned ugly.

Especially, when his black eyes caught Leng Su smiling brightly at Director Lin, a ray of light quickly flashed through the black eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses.

[Warning, Xia Yi's favorability value has dropped by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 45 points. 】

Leng Su: "..."

She knew this hot chick mission was not that simple.

It is true that the favorability value is easy to increase, but it is also easy to decrease.

She looks at others and lowers her favorability...

She smiled politely at others and lowered her favorability...

According to his thinking, should he just lock her at home?

And then just stay in the same space with him every day?

Can you only see him every day?

Can you only smile at him every day?

Does it mean he has to be in her eyes and heart?

PS: [There will be an update later, currently writing, please wait]

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