The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2322 “Down and out” actress VS “abstinent” agent (13)

At that time, Lin Xi had just grown up, and Mrs. Lin's wife didn't like her as an illegitimate daughter, so she was planning to use marriage to marry her off to a playboy who was ignorant and debauched.

At that time, Lin Xi had just come of age. She wanted to study and was unwilling to get married, so she rejected Mrs. Lin.

Unexpectedly, her rejection actually made the pair of cross boys more interested in her.

So, the other party secretly bribed Lin Xi's classmate, tricked her into going to the bar, and tried to destroy Lin Xi in full view of the bar.

At that time, Lin Xi hit the cross kid on the head with a wine bottle and was caught as soon as he ran out of the box.

Just when Lin Xi was about to be dragged back to the box and destroyed again, the hero came like a god and saved her.

After that encounter, the male protagonist began to pursue Lin Xi crazily.

After three years of pursuit by the male protagonist, Lin Xi couldn't hold it back in the end. She was tempted...

After that, the two confirmed their relationship, got together smoothly, got engaged smoothly, and discussed the official wedding date.

Although the Lin family's wife didn't like Lin Xi, she couldn't stand the fact that the male protagonist's family was rich and powerful, far beyond what the Lin family could match.

For the development of the Lin family, Mrs. Lin's wife would naturally not refuse this marriage.

However... no one expected that at that grand wedding, a girl who looked similar to Lin Xi would appear.

The groom just ran away with the woman, leaving Lin Xi alone to face everyone's questions and strange looks.

As the male protagonist escapes from marriage, as he leaves the family and gives up his family inheritance rights for the female protagonist, Lin Xi once again returns to a tragic fate.

After Mrs. Lin knew that she had been abandoned, she was even more cruel to her than before, beating her and scolding her at every turn.

She said that it was all because of her that the Lin family lost face and was laughed at by everyone.

As the male protagonist and the female protagonist resolutely obtained a marriage license despite their family's objections, and as their son's identity was exposed, Mrs. Lin's wife no longer had any worries about Lin Xi.

She no longer beat and scolded Lin Xi, she also secretly drugged Lin Xi and sent her to the bed of a bad old man in his sixties...

Lin Xi struggled, cried, and shouted frantically for help, but no one showed up.

Facing the old man who was approaching her step by step, Lin Xi cried and jumped from the 28th floor, ending her beautiful years.

Xia Yi gave Leng Su two scripts, one for the heroine and one for the tragic supporting actress Lin Xi.

After reading the two scripts, Leng Su decisively chose Lin Xi's script without any hesitation.

She returned the heroine script to Xia Yi and said, "I have decided to take on the supporting female role in this drama."

Hearing this, Xia Yi was not too surprised.


"Well, I like this character better than...the heroine."

The male and female protagonists of this drama are actually right.

To be honest, they are actually victims. They were forced to be separated for many years. After going through ups and downs, the lovers finally got married.

But after reading the entire script, she still couldn't help but feel sorry for the supporting actress Lin Xi...

I couldn't choose my origin, and I had a miserable childhood. I thought that when I grew up, I would be able to stay away from this terrible family and that terrible "mother".

Yes, Lin Xi didn't know until her death that she was not born to Mrs. Lin's wife at all.

She still doesn't understand why her mother treats her so badly. Is it because she is not obedient and sensible enough?

No one has ever told her the truth...

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