"so troublesome."

Lu Shaoning still said he was disgusted, but his body honestly accepted the egg pancake breakfast.

"Stop talking nonsense and get in the car quickly, otherwise we will both be late and be punished later."

"Okay, Brother Shaoning."

After getting in the car, Leng Su naturally hugged Lu Shaoning's waist in front of him.

At that moment, she clearly felt Lu Shaoning's sudden stiffness.

Leng Su raised his head, looked at Lu Shaoning with a pair of watery, innocent eyes, and asked, "Brother Shaoning, why don't you leave?"

Lu Shaoning: "..."

Lu Shaoning glanced at her uncomfortably, turned his head away with a twisted expression, and stepped on the pedal to let the bicycle move forward slowly.

Along the way, Lu Shaoning was absent-minded the whole time.

The skin on his waist where Leng Su was holding him felt hot, causing all his thoughts to be drawn away.

Why is this girl acting weird today?

I used to see him always looking shy. Even though I ride in his car to school these days, I have always been shy and cautious, never hugging his waist or anything like that.

Lu Shaoning was lost in thought, and the two of them arrived at the school without knowing it.

When Lu Shaoning parked his car, Leng Su rarely waited for him where he was. Instead, he said something to him and hurried to the classroom.

"Brother Shaoning, the bell is ringing soon. I'm going to the classroom first. You should hurry up."

Hearing this, Lu Shaoning couldn't help but pause in the action of locking the car, and couldn't help but look up at Leng Su's leaving back.

Lu Shaoning: "..."

Feeling the fiery gaze on her back, Leng Su's lips curled up slightly, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

If it's not unusual, why would you pay attention to me?

After all, we have been together day and night for more than ten years, and we are used to each other. If I don't give you something different, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to notice my aunt in the short term.

"Jingle Bell."

The sudden ringing of the bell brought Lu Shaoning back to his senses, he looked away from Leng Su, quickly locked the car, and hurried to the classroom.

Lu Shaoning is one year older than Leng Su, and one grade higher than Leng Su. Leng Su is a sophomore and he is a senior.

Therefore, compared with Leng Su, Lu Shaoning's time and studies are slightly heavier than hers.

After all, the senior year is the most important year of the entire high school. In order to prepare for the college entrance examination, parents and teachers are very busy. They study in addition to studying every day.

Lu Shaoning's busy studies forced him to temporarily put Leng Su's subtle changes and differences behind him...

Class 1, Grade 2.

On the podium, the teacher was chattering endlessly explaining the questions of the latest monthly exam to everyone. Below, the phone in Leng Su's pocket kept vibrating slightly.

Leng Su: "..." Can't those people be quieter? ? ?

Are they so free every day?

What about the promised lessons?

What about the training you promised?

What about becoming an immortal as soon as possible?

Did you agree to reunite with your family early?

This class was long and torturous for Leng Su...

Although the academic work of the second year of high school is not as heavy as that of the third year of high school, and the time is not as tight as the third year of high school, the teacher still pays close attention to the class.

What's more, the original owner has always done very well academically. She is in Grade 11, the key class of South China High School. Among so many top students, it is impossible for her to desert her school.

As soon as the forty torturous minutes were over and the teacher left, Leng Suna quickly took out his cell phone from his pocket.

Immediately set the vibration mode to silent mode...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Hey hey hey, fairies, come and guess who the outsider is this time ( # ^.^ # )

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