As soon as Leng's mother left, the movement in the room suddenly disappeared...

"Susu, if you don't open it, I'll call my aunt."


For some reason, facing the silent room at this moment, Lu Shaoning could not help but imagine the angry expression on Leng Su's face in the room.

After finding the person, he also let go of the heart he had been holding on to.

"Susu, I count to three. If you don't open it, I really have to call my aunt."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Shaoning started counting.


With a "squeak", the door opened, and Lu Shaoning saw the little face and angry expression that were in sync with his mind.

She stared with a pair of big watery eyes, filled with anger.

"Lu Shaoning, what do you want?"

"I want to help you treat your wound." After saying that, Lu Shaoning took her hand very naturally and walked to the bed, pushing her to sit down.

He put down his schoolbag, took out the disinfectant and band-aids inside, and took Leng Su's hand, which looked twisted.

When he saw the bloody and dirty wound, a look of helplessness appeared in Lu Shaoning's eyes.

Although he had already guessed in his heart that the girl might not be able to deal with the wound if she ran away in anger, but when this idea was confirmed, he felt helpless in addition to helplessness.

The sun was setting in the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the boys and girls through the glass windows.

The girl lowered her head and stared lovingly at the boy squatting in front of her.

The boy looked at the girl's hand with a gentle face, carefully wiped Leng Su's wound with a cotton swab dipped in disinfectant, and blew into her palm from time to time.

From time to time, he would look up at her and ask her, "Does it hurt?"

Every time the boy raised his eyes, the girl would turn her head away with a twisted look on her face, looking like a tsundere who refused to pay attention to him.

Lu Shaoning couldn't help but feel amused when he saw Leng Su's distorted little face and his squinting eyes as if he disliked him.

He had so many good qualities, why didn't she learn from the good ones but only the bad ones?

But when he thought about why she was angry, the helplessness in his heart instantly dissipated, and a hint of distress emerged.

[Congratulations, Lu Shaoning's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

Leng Su: "..." So angry.

She had "risked her life to save" her, and her favorability had only increased so much.

As soon as the wound was treated, Leng Su withdrew his hand, stood up and pointed at the door: "I have to do my homework, you can go."

Hearing this, Lu Shaoning paused in his steps and looked at her with a frown on his face.

"How old are you? Is it fun to be willful?"

"You don't want this hand anymore, do you?"

Seeing Leng Su turning his head and refusing to pay attention to him, Lu Shaoning suddenly felt angry.

"Do you think you can get my attention by doing this?"

Hearing this, Leng Su's expression froze and his face turned pale.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lu Shaoning actually regretted them.

But his temper was like this. He had been angry when Leng Su wrestled, and then she suddenly ran away, leaving him worried and looking for her for more than an hour, and he became even more angry.

The reason why he patiently coaxed her just now was because he was worried that her wound had not been treated.

I was afraid that if he said those words seriously, this girl would keep dragging this injury without dealing with it.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he took care of the wound, this girl was about to start.

Lu Shaoning felt suffocated when he thought that she didn't even care about her own body because she was angry with him.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [this adorable baby is the cutest] for the little fairy’s reward and feeding, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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