Sun Wukong was so angry that he wanted to block Leng Su, but he couldn't bear to give up the good wine and fruits.

[Sun Wukong: I am curious, what do you want the monkey hair for? ]

Leng Su was not surprised at all when she saw Sun Wukong's news.

Obviously, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie both regarded her as one of the monsters in the group, thinking that she could cast spells and transform.

To be honest, she can cast spells, but there is a heaven watching her, so she has to be careful.

Moreover, everyone has their own expertise, and she is different from them.

[Leng Su: Great Sage, just say whether you want to change or not. ]

[Sun Wukong: Even if I admit that your wine and fruits are good things, your price is too high. ]

Yes, it would be fine if it was in the past. At that time, he had a lot of monkey hair, and it would only hurt if he casually pulled a few handfuls.

But now it is different. All his cultivation and merits and dharma are concentrated on this monkey hair.

Now, his monkey hair is like a fairy weapon.

It is difficult to pull out. Pulling out a hair is extremely painful for him, and it will also cause his cultivation to decline. All his merits and dharma will be lost for no reason.

Will he kill himself for the sake of his appetite? No, he will never do that.

[Leng Su: Great Sage, you also know that this wine and fruit are good things. It is not easy for me to get them, and I really don’t have that much...]

[Leng Su: But I also know that your monkey hair is precious. Otherwise, how about this? I have a little fruit, but I don’t have much wine. ]

[Leng Su: One hundred peaches for one monkey hair is no problem, but I only have three jars of wine. One jar of wine for one monkey hair. What do you think, Great Sage? ]

To be honest, Sun Wukong is still not satisfied with this exchange ratio.

But he also knew that the wine and fruit were indeed good things. Even Sun Wukong couldn't get them, so the girl must not have much of them... After all, he had traveled all over the six realms these days and asked everyone in the world, but no one knew what the wine was and where the fruit was produced. If he hadn't really had no other choice, he wouldn't have found Leng Su... [Sun Wukong: OK, deal!] [Sun Wukong: I'll exchange as many fruits as you have, and I'll take all the three jars of wine!] [Leng Su: OK.] [Leng Su: Red envelope.] Looking at the red envelope that appeared on the screen, Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and a trace of discomfort appeared on his furry monkey face. [Sun Wukong: So straightforward? Aren't you afraid that I will snatch the red envelope and not give you the monkey hair?] [Leng Su: I believe in you, the Great Sage.] Sun Wukong: "..." He didn't even believe himself. Although he was muttering in his heart, it was obvious that Leng Su's actions made Sun Wukong feel good.

So, Leng Su was happy, and he was happy too.

He clicked on the red envelope and took a look. After confirming the number of things Leng Su sent, he also sent the monkey hair directly.

[Congratulations, you got Sun Wukong's red envelope "Monkey Hair*11", and the monkey hair has been automatically stored in your storage room. ]

When Leng Su saw the number of monkey hairs, he couldn't help but be stunned.

[Leng Su: Great Sage, did you send an extra monkey hair? ]

[Sun Wukong: It's for you! ]

[Sun Wukong: Okay, I'm going to drink, I won't talk to you anymore. ]

PS: [Daily vote request]

Thank you [Shi Zhiye] [Don't "Forget" Me] [Xia Mo Ya Yue] [China's famous black fan Liang Liang] for your support, mua mua (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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