Romantic couple-themed western restaurant.

Ever since she left school, Leng Su always felt that the way Lu Shaoning looked at her was terrifying...

As soon as she arrived at this couple-themed restaurant, she already had a rough guess in her mind.

"Did you book the wrong restaurant?" Leng Su hesitated for a moment and asked knowingly.

To be honest, she hasn't enjoyed the happiness of being cared for and pursued by someone yet.

For the time being, she doesn't want to forgive him so quickly and be with him...

You are always happiest when you are being pursued.


With that said, Lu Shaoning took her hand while she wasn't paying attention and strode into the couple-themed western restaurant in front of him.

Roses, candles, red wine, steak, fruit salad...

Everything that a candlelight dinner should have was laid out before her.

Even if Leng Su didn't want to face it anymore, he had to face it.

As expected, Lu Shaoning is probably preparing to confess his love tonight.

So, will she run away soon? Or stay but refuse to agree to it?

This is a troublesome question...

"Su Su, I haven't seen you for a month. You have changed a lot..." Lu Shaoning looked at her with burning eyes and said.

"What has changed?" Leng Su asked subconsciously.

"It has become more beautiful!" Lu Shaoning said.

Leng Su: "..." How many secrets has this guy read recently?

"Yes, you have become more handsome." Leng Su said with a smile.

When he heard Leng Su praise him, even though she only praised him politely, Lu Shaoning couldn't help but feel happy.

[Congratulations, Lu Shaoning's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 75 points. 】

"Susu, try this steak quickly. The steak here tastes great. It was specially recommended by my friend."


Although the current situation made her a little distressed, she had to say that the steak tasted really good.

It’s definitely not an exaggeration to say “all colors, flavors and tastes”.

Even the fruits are particularly fresh, full of juice, moderately sweet and sour, and not cloying.

Leng Su still gave this dinner a "good review" in her heart.

As soon as Leng Su put down the knife and fork in his hand, he received a burning gaze from someone opposite.

Leng Su: "..." Should we hide or not?

After a brief hesitation, Leng Su still didn't hide.

Now that the other party has made up her mind, she can't avoid the fifteenth grade even if she can avoid it.

It's better to see what he plans to do first.

"Su Su, are you full?" Lu Shaoning thoughtfully handed her a tissue.

"Yes." Leng Su took it, wiped the corners of his mouth, and responded lightly.

Just when she was about to put down the tissue in her hand, she realized something was wrong.

A row of bright red fonts came into view.

As she opened it, a love letter came into view.

[I want to protect you for the rest of my life, is that okay? 】

A very short sentence, expressed in a very careful way of greeting.

When she looked at the love letter in her hand, Lu Shaoning opposite her also read this sentence affectionately word for word.

"Susu, can you give me a chance to protect you for the rest of your life?"

Leng Su raised his eyes and looked at him silently.

Being stared at by her like this, Lu Shaoning felt his heart beat faster and his whole body became extremely nervous.

He hoped that she would speak, but was also afraid that she would speak.

I hope she can speak and agree to his confession.

But he was afraid that when she opened her mouth, she would say words that would reject him.

Under the tension, Lu Shaoning's previously prepared emotions and organized words became a bit chaotic...

PS: [Requesting daily votes, there are updates, and I am writing]

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