It wasn't until Leng Su burped after drinking water that Lu Shaoning let her go...

Seeing the annoyed look on Leng Su's face, Lu Shaoning seemed to have guessed what she was thinking.

He chuckled lightly, rubbed her hair, and said, "Don't worry, I give you water after brushing your teeth every day."

Leng Su: "..."

Seeing that Leng Su remained silent, Lu Shaoning asked again: "Are you hungry? Is there anything you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

Naturally, Leng Su can only drink porridge when he wakes up, but there are many choices for porridge.

There are so many kinds of white porridge, corn porridge, pumpkin porridge, and all kinds of messy porridge.

And she wasn't sick, she just fell into a coma for unknown reasons. She hadn't had any surgery or anything, so naturally she didn't have that many worries.

"Let's wait until the doctor comes and completes the examination." Leng Su said helplessly.

Although she knew she was not sick, she couldn't stand it. Lu Shaoning and Leng's father and mother Leng didn't know.

She would like to eat spicy crayfish and hot pot skewers, but the problem is, they will definitely not allow it.

It would be better to wait for the doctors to come and see what they say she can eat after examination. Then she can just eat whatever she wants.

As for spicy crayfish and hot pot, we can only wait until she is discharged from the hospital to find a solution.

The doctor came soon.

After a series of troublesome examinations, Leng Mu and others got the same examination results as when Leng Su was admitted to the hospital.

everything is fine……

Leng Su is in good health, has no problems at all, and can be discharged from the hospital at any time.

Of course, if they were worried, they could also have Leng Su hospitalized for a few days and observed for a while.

Leng Su was eager to be discharged from the hospital now, but it was obvious that no one, whether it was Leng's father, Leng's mother or Lu Shaoning, had paid attention to her thoughts.

In the end, Leng Su was forced to stay in the hospital for another week.

It wasn't until her eighth test results came out that everything was fine, that Leng's father and Leng's mother were half-convinced, and took her home from the hospital with an uneasy look on her face.

As for Lu Shaoning, she had forced Leng Su back to school the day after she woke up.

Of course, his requirement for returning to school is that Leng Su must send him a video call every morning, lunch and dinner.

Before going to bed at night, remember to send him good night and tell him all about it.

Her daily test results must also be sent to him for review.

You also have to take medicine and eat well.

Leng Su naturally didn't want to agree, but he couldn't resist Lu Shaoning's shamelessness.

She won't leave until she agrees to it. If his studies are affected, it will be her fault.

Leng Su: "..." I have never seen such a shameless person.

Finally, Leng Su agreed.

Lu Shaoning had just returned to the Imperial Capital for three days, and on Friday evening he flew back again.

After staying with her in the hospital for two days, he hurriedly flew back to the Imperial Capital that night on the weekend.

Faced with his painstaking back and forth, even Leng Su couldn't help but feel distressed, let alone Leng's father, Leng's mother, and Lu's father.

Originally, Leng Su was still thinking that if Lu Shaoning confessed to her again, she would stop being pretentious and simply agree to him.

However, what she never expected was that Lu Shaoning never mentioned this matter to her again after that confession...

But some of the things and behaviors he did to her were extremely intimate.

If Leng Su didn't know their relationship in her heart, sometimes even she would almost think that she and Lu Shaoning were a very good couple.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

There is also an update to the last chapter, which is being written, please wait a moment.

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