The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2405 The state gives “husband” for free (12)

These words may be cruel to An Xiang, but in Leng Su's view, Dang Duan will always be disturbed by them.

If you don't be cruel to him now, if you don't tell him clearly, it will only make him sink deeper and deeper in the future, making him even more unable to extricate himself.

Moreover, she still has Xie Shaoting who needs to be dealt with and her misunderstanding about her needs to be resolved.

She didn't want to make matters worse by having an inexplicable rotten peach blossom appear before her mess was cleaned up.

"Mr. Leng, Su Su, I am sincere to you, can you just give me a chance?"

"I can definitely prove to you that I am the one who loves you the most and is the most suitable for you in the world."

Obviously, no matter how cruel or straightforward Leng Su was, An Xiang couldn't listen.

He got up from the sofa, approached her step by step, and kept pleading with her.

In the end, Leng Su had no choice but to say "sorry" to him, and then left without looking back...

Behind Leng Su, the expression on An Xiang's face became extremely complicated.

There is despair, unwillingness, and a very strong hatred and jealousy.

No, he won't just give up.

An Xiang lowered his head and his eyes fell complicatedly on the red wine glass that Leng Su had placed there.

"Why don't you drink?" An Xiang murmured.

When Mr. Lin returned from his "enjoyment", he found An Xiang sitting alone in the private room crying sadly.

"Xiang'er, what's wrong with you? Where is Leng Su? Where has she gone? Did she make you cry?" Mr. Lin yelled angrily.

"Mom, I just like Leng Su. I just want to marry her. I just want to be with her for the rest of my life."

Anxiang fell into Mr. Lin's arms, crying so heartbroken.

Lin always loved An Xiang's son sincerely. Although she was angry at Leng Su's lack of knowledge, she couldn't stand An Xiang and recognized him.

She could only suppress the anger in her heart, pat An Xiang's back, and comfort him.

"Xiang'er, don't worry, mom will definitely help you."

"Mom will definitely do her best to make Leng Su marry you and be with you."

"Thank you, Mommy."

An Xiang was sweet-mouthed and agreed quickly, but he did not really place all his hopes on Mr. Lin.

His black eyes flickered constantly, the expression on his face was unpredictable, his lips were slightly parted, and he silently murmured the names "Leng Su" and "Xie Shaoting", obviously planning something.

Here, after Leng Su left the Monarch Bar, he had already given up on the idea of ​​cooperating with Mr. Lin.

While she was asking people to investigate An Xiang and Mr. Lin, she was also urging the results of the last investigation on Xie Shaoting.

In addition, she is also handling several projects currently underway in the company and strictly reviewing and approving each subsequent project.

Judging from Mr. Lin's attitude toward An Xiang today, Leng Su absolutely believed that his departure today had definitely annoyed him.

According to Mr. Lin's vengeful nature, Leng Su didn't think he would let her go.

In the next few days, she and the company in her hands may not have any leisure time.

But as the saying goes, when soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the earth will cover it.

No matter what plans Mr. Lin and An Xiang have, she, Leng Su, is not afraid of them.

Anyway, it pissed her off and sent them mother and son to reincarnation in a matter of minutes.


When the elevator reached the eighteenth floor, Leng Su stopped the messy thoughts in his mind and walked out.

"Why are you here?"

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Leng Su was frightened by the scene in front of him...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

[Some content has been modified in the first two chapters, especially in the Monarch Bar. If the little fairies feel that the content before and after is not connected, you can go back and have a look. Good night, okay~(^з^)-]

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