The girl on the left is dressed in white and has a pure appearance. Her black hair is tied with only a flowing white gauze. At first glance, she looks like the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl has descended to earth.

Pure and refined, with a fairy spirit floating in the air, just like the pure white snow lotus on the top of the snow mountain. It is extremely beautiful, but it can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with...

The girl on the right is dressed in a flamboyant and eye-catching red dress, with a delicate and gorgeous appearance. Her whole person looks like a blazing hot flame.

She is assertive and confident, exuding full of vitality. Her beauty is dazzling and extremely commanding.

When people look at it, they can't help but feel competitive, want to possess her, conquer her, and dominate her.

She is like the blooming red rose, so beautiful but also thorny and dangerous...

Looking at the eyes of these two beauties looking at Leng Che, and looking at the subtle hostility between them, Leng Su sighed inwardly.

My heart kept saying "two flowers stuck in cow dung"...

"Sister, I miss you so much."

As soon as he entered the cave, Leng Che's hot eyes followed Leng Su closely.

Leng Su glanced at him with disgust, and was about to look away, but he didn't know what he saw, and his eyes suddenly froze.

Is it her imagination? ? ?

Before Leng Su could figure out the flashing thought in his mind, his thoughts were interrupted by Leng Che's words again.

"Sister, this sword is so beautiful..." Leng Che looked at Leng Su expectantly.

Leng Su: "..." Can you please have a little face? ? ?

"Yes, it was given by Master." Leng Su said calmly.

Seeing that Leng Su didn't answer, Leng Che's eyes flashed, and then he looked at Leng Su expectantly and asked: "Sister, Che'er likes this sword so much, can you let Che'er touch it? "

"No." Leng Su opened his mouth and refused without thinking.

Hearing this, the expression on Leng Che's face froze, and something flashed quickly in his lowered black eyes...

Just when Leng Su thought he would continue to entangle him, Leng Che suddenly changed the subject and looked at the Luoyang Peak Master in front of him.

"Master, Master, you are partial."

"Why is my teacher so partial?"

For Leng Che, the young disciple, because of his relatively young age, and also because of his good talent and diligent cultivation, Master Luoyang still loves him very much.

"As soon as my sister advanced, master, you gave her two magic weapons."

"But when Che'er and I advanced, master, you just praised Che'er and didn't get any rewards."

Leng Su: "..." Just now, she was surprised that this guy suddenly changed his gender. After hitting a wall with her a few times, he changed his target after knowing that she was not good enough.

Faced with Leng Che's accusation, Peak Master Luoyang was stunned for a second, then shook his head and laughed.

In his eyes, Leng Che was still a child who loved to act like a spoiled child, and what he did was indeed unfair, so he agreed in the end.

"Then what reward does Che'er want?" Luoyang Peak Master asked.

Hearing this, the aggrieved look on Leng Che's face instantly faded, and a bright smile appeared.

"Master, Master, Che'er's recent swordsmanship has been quite good, the only thing missing is a sword."

"In that case, I will reward you with the Lingshuang Sword..."

Before Luoyang Peak Master could finish speaking, Leng Che interrupted him.

"Master, master, Che'er has a heartless request. I hope master can agree."

"An unkind invitation?" Luoyang Peak Master looked slightly stunned, "You say it."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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