The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2444 Cultivation of Immortality:

"How is my sister now?"

"When will my sister wake up?"

"The secret realm is so dangerous, what if my sister doesn't wake up?"

Leng Che asked several questions in a row, but he didn't care about how Leng Su was injured, who was plotting against her, and why.

After hearing Leng Che's question, Murong Yu's face subconsciously sank.

"As long as I'm here, I will definitely not let Junior Sister get hurt." Murong Yu said firmly.

Hearing this, Leng Che's eyes flashed, and his eyes moved back and forth between Murong Yu and Leng Su.

Originally, he wanted to continue to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly remembered something and swallowed them back.

"What the senior brother said is right. I will also protect my sister with the senior brother." Leng Che asked.

After hearing his words, Murong Yu's gloomy face finally looked much better.

"Yeah." Murong Yu responded.

"Big Brother, what should we do next? This secret realm is so big, and we don't have a map, so we don't know where to go." Leng Che asked.

Murong Yu picked up Leng Su, looked around, and said, "No hurry, let's find a cave nearby to live in first."

"Why?" Leng Che asked.

Murong Yu glanced at him and said, "Wait for your sister to wake up."

Hearing this, Leng Che was stunned, and his eyes fell on Leng Su again.

He narrowed his eyes and secretly used a magic weapon to test and check.

After discovering that Leng Su's breathing was stable and her breath was stable, Leng Che's eyes paused and his face changed.

She is actually fine?

In the process of looking for the cave, Leng Che kept asking Murong Yu various questions and constantly testing Leng Su's injuries.

"Big Brother, when we enter the secret realm, aren't there people from our sect all around? Who can plot against my sister under the eyes of the sect master and the peak masters?"

"By the way, how is my sister's injury? Do you need any elixirs? I just happen to have some elixirs that can help heal her."

"Big Brother, I'm worried about my sister. Why don't you let me see her?"

Before, when Leng Che didn't care about Leng Su, Murong Yu was in a bad mood.

But now, Leng Che is obviously caring about Leng Su, but Murong Yu found that his mood seemed to be worse.

He always felt that the other party's words were wrong, and he was subconsciously on guard against Leng Che in his heart.

Just as Murong Yu was thinking about how to reject Leng Che, the girl's body in his arms suddenly moved.

Murong Yu paused in his walking, and he subconsciously lowered his head to look at the person in his arms.

At the same time, Leng Su also opened his eyes at this moment.

The four eyes met... They looked at each other and stared at each other.

"Are you... okay?" Under Leng Su's gaze, Murong Yu felt his heartbeat speed up and his face began to heat up.

Leng Su lowered her head shyly and stammered: "No, it's okay..."

Looking at her red earlobe, Murong Yu's heart trembled.

A certain guess suddenly emerged from his mind, making his hand holding Leng Su become a little stiff and a little at a loss.

Did she... did she know?

"Sister, you are finally awake. My senior brother and I are almost worried to death."

"Sister, where are you injured? Do you want me to help you? I have a healing pill..."

Before Leng Che finished speaking, he saw a white and slender little hand stretched out in front of him.

Leng Che was stunned, looked up at Leng Su with a puzzled look.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Chinese famous black fan Liangliang] [Lan Xuemu] two little fairies for the reward support, mua mua (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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