The blocked system returns again...

The perfect Shen Qingliu did not last for a few days, and his true nature was exposed again.

The women who were about to move looked at Shen Qingliu who had mutated again in astonishment, as if they had seen a ghost.

After that incident, Shen Qingliu and Leng Su returned to a peaceful life again.

Although, secretly there are still some women who are determined to follow Shen Qingliu and Leng Su secretly.

But these women didn't last long before giving up...

The reason is simple. Shen Qingliu, who has been romantic for a few days, is no longer romantic.

The gentle and caring Shen Qingliu disappeared, and he once again transformed into a "good old man".

Whether at work or off work, all his time and energy are spent on "doing good".

While at work, treat patients in every possible way.

After get off work, I even drag my girlfriend with me to do good deeds.

In those few days, the perfect Shen Qingliu they saw disappeared.

In those days, Leng Su, who had always been envied by them, also lost the treatment of being cared for like a treasure.

Shen Qingliu no longer cared about her that much, and even didn't understand her or understand her.

She was so tired from work. As her boyfriend, Shen Qingliu didn't care about doing good things on her own, but she even dragged Leng Su along with him.

As a result, those women who originally envied and hated Leng Su suddenly began to sympathize with Leng Su.

They were originally very repulsive to Leng Su, but suddenly they were very kind to Leng Su...

When they were at work, they even took the initiative to help Leng Su with part of the work, and even gently let her have a good rest.

They would also be very friendly and give her various snacks. They would also take care of her during work so that she wouldn't have to work too hard.

Let her learn to say no and not dote on her boyfriend too much.

There are also some older ladies who will talk to Leng Su in the tone of someone who has experienced it.

Will tell her that it is useless for a man to be good-looking.

The key is to look at the person and know how to love his wife.

What to say, tell her not to be deceived by a man's false appearance, tell her to keep her eyes open and not marry the wrong person.

In a word... Shen Qingliu was so disliked again.

Leng Su couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of Shen Qingliu's experience of being ostracized and disliked by everyone in the hospital.

She squinted her eyes, pretending to be uncomfortable, but in fact her dark eyes were looking at the man in front of her with a gentle face as he gave her medicine.

"Qingliu..." Leng Su shouted weakly.


"You look so good-looking." Leng Su murmured in a low voice.

Hearing this, Shen Qingliu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled slightly.

He stretched out his hand and gently scratched the bridge of her nose, and said dotingly: "You are also beautiful and charming."

"Okay, take the medicine and lie down and have a good rest. Your fever hasn't gone away yet."

With that said, Shen Qingliu helped her lie down, stood up and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, his big hand was tightly grasped by a warm little hand.

He turned his head, looked at Leng Su with confusion, and asked gently: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Leng Su looked at him dreamingly and murmured in a low voice: "Don't leave..."

Seeing the attachment and dependence on him in her eyes, a faint look of helplessness appeared on Shen Qingliu's face.

He patted her hand lovingly, and sat down again after standing up: "Okay, I won't leave."

As soon as Shen Qingliu sat down, Leng Su rolled over and rested her head on his lap.

She looked at him with a sweet and happy smile on her face...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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